Chapter 7: Reunion

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It was dark, and suffocating. The feeling of horror and helplessness. You couldn't see. You could only hear metallic clanging and dragging and the revolting chatter of your captors. You were so out of it, so anxious that you couldn't even tell what they were saying. You also still felt dizzy from the chloroform. You felt nauseous and your head was pounding. You heard a loud banging and rustling of objects and frantic shouting. You heard the door open. You suddenly were untied, but you were shushed. You were quickly slung over someone's shoulder. What was happening? You were nervous, you wanted to cry out for help. You were too afraid. Part of you couldn't. Then something caught your attention. Whoever was carrying you smelled awfully familiar. They smelled oddly fresh, like expensive cologne. They smelled like someone who had just stepped out of the shower. It was an enticing smell, almost like the smell of pine needles when you break them in half.

"M..majima.." You weakly murmured to yourself.

You were gently shushed again, and then passed out from the shock.

You finally woke up again, feeling sick. You were resting on a hard, old dusty restaurant booth of some kind.

"Er, sorry about this (Y/N). I'm afraid we don't have a lot of options here." Majima looked at you sheepishly, and then looked at you with concern. "Are ya feelin okay?" He spoke softly.

"I'm still feeling a little sick, but I'm glad to see you again." You responded meekly.

"I gotta be completely honest with ya for once. No more secrets. Then you'll understand." Majima spoke, averting his gaze from you. "Then you'll realize how important it'll be to forget me when this is all over." He looked at you sadly. You silently nodded your head in response. He told you all about how he was an ex-yakuza, about his sworn brother, about his punishment, and about everything that had happened before.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I-"

Majima placed his finger on your lips gently and shushed you again. "(Y/N, I don't want this to be harder than it has ta be. You'll live a normal life and you'll be happier with someone else." Majima spoke remorseful.

"That doesn't matter to me any more. You're risking everything to protect me. I love you, and nothing will change that." You waited for him to respond. He was at a loss for words.. wait- was he blushing?"

"I- (Y/N)- we can't-" Majima stammered. He was as red as a tomato.

"I'm guessing you probably feel the same way... do you?" You asked meekly.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. He pulled you into a kiss. He tasted so sweet and addicting, like the sweetest, most delicious fine wine you've ever tasted. His lips were soft and tender. You could tell he was being gentle, but you could tell he wanted this more than anything.
You pulled away for a moment and both caught your breath. "Goddamn.. I've wanted you more than anything. Yer so temptin'.. if it wasn't for the Shimano family huntin' ya down I'd keep ya all to myself. I love ya so fuckin' much, ever since I met you things have been so different. I want to be with ya always."

This time, it was your turn to shush him. You put your finger to his lips. "Don't speak. Just feel." You pulled him close into another kiss. You could tell he wanted this more than anything with the way his hands were digging into the leather. He was so needy, he wanted more and more. Everything seemed to stop in that moment together. You wanted to give him everything, prove how much you loved him. You started to strip down.

Majima pulled away. "Not yet." He spoke softly into your ear.


"Not yet. It ain't right. Yer more valuable than that. We'll find a time where it's right for both of us."

You were honestly shocked by how blunt he was, but you admired the fact he saw the value in you. You slipped your clothes back on.

"R-right." You chuckled sheepishly.

Majima rested on his back. You snuggled up close to him.

"It would be pretty awkward if whoever is hunting us saw this." You remarked.

Majima chuckled. You could feel his vibrations and it was almost soothing. "They ain't gonna find us here. One of my good pals in the nightlife is lettin' me use this back area for now until we find ya a new spot." Majima seemed calm, almost as if he had thought of all the possibilities already. You held each other close, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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