4. the meeting (2)

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this is a carry on from '3. the meeting (1)'
hope you guys enjoy so far :)

"so, eddie. what school do you go to?" i couldn't stop smiling. how did i end up in a 50's diner with a guy i met just an hour ago?

we got on so well, we clicked.

"Hawkins High School." he was sitting opposite me. the chairs were a vibrant blue, but scuffed and torn, aged. his feet brushed against mine every now and then, sending electricity through my body.

"that's the only school around, right?" i replied. he couldn't see it but i was internally exploding.

i was going to go to his fckn school AHH!

"yeah. i expect to see you on the first day, yes?" he pushed our milkshakes aside and leaned in closer to me. he was quite a bit taller than me, so he had to look down to see my face.

"y-yes you will see me" i replied

"good girl" he slightly nodded, but didn't move his forehead from touching mine, "do you want to come back to my place? i mean i live in like a trailer, sorry, but like no one else would be home and we can, like, hang out if you want?"
was he asking me back to his place? to 'hang out'? i mean i sure would hang out with eddie munson...

"sure. what the hell, why not?"

"okay. great" a grin spread across his face, brightening up his beautiful eyes.

i smiled back at him, and he took my hand and we ran out of the diner.


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