Chapter 15. Coping with the Pain

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(The song in the media is only to be played when you see the name of it in the chapter, please listen accordingly ^^)


Boruto watched as a pair of curious blue eyes slowly rose up to the level of his gaze, and tried not to sigh at the seventh attempt of Himawari to cheer him up. Giggling quietly and closing her eyes for a moment, his sister brought her hands to the sides of her face and stretched her cheeks while sticking her tongue out, making a face that would've been cute or funny in any other circumstances.

As she studied his unchanged expression, a huge pout came onto Himawari's features. "Aw come on! This was different - I worked on it, too, y'know!"

In any other circumstances, as in if he was just back from a mission and was only really tired... he would still have attempted to put on a smile and try to encourage her, by telling her something like, "Way to go, squirt, I will teach you better next time." but... It felt like his mind wasn't entirely here right now.

Which, to tell the truth... it wasn't.

Seeing that he still didn't give any reaction, the look on her face saddened. "Onii-chan... I know you are sad about those jerks, and I am too..." Boruto closed his eyes, this wasn't the best topic... "But you know what?" she perked up. "Next time we will beat them up together. And show Mitsu-nii how we want him he-"

"It's alright, Himawari." the blond finally cut in, it was becoming harder to keep his control. "I-I'm just tired, okay? We will talk tomorrow."

This resulted in her heaving a very deep sigh. "Alright, alright. But I'm not giving up until you begin smiling again."

She got up and was about to turn back when Boruto suddenly leaned forward and pulled her in a hug. He had caught her by surprise, but she was quick to return it, and the older brother held on for dear life.

He didn't bother telling her that he probably wouldn't be smiling for a long time.

"You don't have to thank me for that," she said with a big grin when he finally let her go. "Good night, onii-chan."

"Good night, Himawari." Boruto whispered.

As she walked out, he finally gave in and lied down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. When that got old, he turned to his left and pulled his knees to my chest, trying to forget... to not think of anything...

It had not been long, presumably, since he and Sarada were dragged out of the hospital, maybe a few hours if he had to guess... But it seemed so much longer...


"Excuse me... papa... I don't think I really understand you..." Sarada whispered, her eyes wide, her expression that of shock...

"I am here to take both of you home." Sasuke, on the other hand, was the perfect image of stoic calmness, his tone matter-of-fact, his eyes unrelenting.

There was a moment of silence.

"Over my dead body!" Boruto snapped finally, fists clenched and looking very... very furious. The older Uchiha turned to him with a frown.

"There is no need to be dramatic."

"Stuff it, uncle Sasuke, I'm not going anywhere!" the blond continued, not bothering to keep his voice down at all.

"We can't leave him!" Sarada backed him up, but she was more collected, more like she was trying to reason with her father. "We promised... We are not gonna make him feel like he was abandoned again!"

"But sweetie..." Sakura said with a sad expression. "You can't keep staying at the hospital."

"Yes we can!" It was the first time the pink haired medic had seen such stubbornness in her daughter. "Who says otherwise?"

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