[PENULTIMATE] Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hey guys, thanks to everyone who is still reading! So sorry that my uploads are so slow, my coursework is taking up all my time but here is the second to last chapter of 'XO'! I hope everyone has enjoyed the story! But yeah, I've got so many exams so I can't really write atm. I might write a sequel in summer if you want it cos' I've got some ideas so just let me know. I wanna start a new piece though so I'll probably do that too! Thank you for everyone who read, continue to find out what's happens between Dane and Alex and maybe even Cale :D

Chapter Twenty-Five

  Dane wasn't in school for a week, when he wanted to disappear he really disappeared. Cale was but I avoided him like the plague and he noticed that and just carried on acting like nothing had happened. I didn't tell Aaliyah about what Cale said, she'd go crazy and I didn't want to hear her try and talk me into just leaving Dane because of Cale. She was already telling me to break up with him because I couldn't get a hold of him and she thought that he was just being a 'testosterone-driven idiot' because he wasn't letting me see him upset. Shay was more supportive though. She said that he was probably just a little bit confused and that I should just give him a bit of time and space but I couldn't because I was more than worried for not only him but his mother too. I had no idea why she was in hospital and not knowing was really getting to me. I'm not the type of person who particularly enjoys that type of mystery. In fact, even when I'm reading books or watching show I want to know everything all at once.

   That week however was particularly bad because it just seemed that while my relationship was going down the world's rockiest path, everyone else's was flourishing in beautiful fairy-tale like meadows. For starters, Lamar and Kendra were obviously getting together. They were always talking when I saw them and when I told Kendra that their ship name could totally be 'Kendrick Lamar' she just laughed and then told Lamar who just sort of did this weird boy blush and told me to shut up in a playful way. I say boy blush because when boys blush it's not really blushing, like not gushing like girls it's just this weird sort of smirk where it looks like they're thinking of something dirty but funny at the same time. I don't know it's hard to explain, but I've seen Dane do it plenty of times when I've teased him enough. Secondly, Jerome seemed to have had a complete personality transplant. On Instagram he kept uploaded pictures of Shay telling everyone she was his girlfriend and that he loved her which was absolutely one of the strangest things ever because it was basically him dropping all the other girls he spoke to. Jerome never announced his relationships because more times than not he was probably having three others at the same time but he suddenly did and although she had texted me saying she wasn't sure, Shay was head over heels. I guess she had the right too, he obviously saw something really good in her if he decided to do that.

   The only person who wasn't getting all flowery with love was Aaliyah. Tre was trying to get back into contact with her and he was seriously messing with her head. She told him that she didn't want to speak to him and blocked him off all social media but he just kept calling and texting her and when she barred his number he resorted in bombarding her with calls off new or private numbers. He kept acting like he was sorry, every single text ended in a thousand kisses and they were all lovey dovey crap saying that he missed her and felt like the most horrible person in the world and it did cause for her emotions to go all over the place but the thing with Aaliyah is that when she's had enough she will be a bitch and she will definitely switch and I really don't mean that in a bad way. Not at all.

   What happened was, in a sad attempt to win Aaliyah over, Tre went out and did some grocery shopping for Aaliyah's mum. That pissed Aaliyah off because he lied to her mum saying that everything between them was fine but Aaliyah was just acting a bit dodgy which made Aaliyah's mum get mad at Aaliyah. That sent Aaliyah off the edge, the relationship that she had with her mother was incredibly tight and Tre causing problems was just not something she'd stand for. So, she told everything to her mum who went ballistic and told Aaliyah's cousin who also went crazy and went after Tre. I don't really know what happened, but Tre was in hospital. Aaliyah said that they just had a 'talk' but that obviously wasn't the case if he was in hospital with stitches in his head. I can't say I condone that behaviour, you shouldn't fight fire with fire but I can't say he didn't deserve it either. I sort of began to understand why Aaliyah hadn't just told the first time. Her mum had been in a violent relationship and to hear that her daughter was going through the same would really hurt plus with what her uncle did, it was really enough to make you think twice. Aaliyah said she had no idea that he'd get involved to that extent, he wasn't the best cousin in the world usually but this time, he was.

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