The Two Vaccinations

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Jake's POV

As usual, we were all on our phones when Peter came.

"Hey guys." Peter exclaimed.

"Hey." We exclaimed while we were scrolling through our phones.

"Jake, how's your arm feeling after having the COVID vaccination?" Peter asked me.

"It feels better now. The sore arm, achy body, and tiredness only lasted for two days." I exclaimed.

"That's good. Now I've got more news." Peter exclaimed.

"What is it Peter?" I asked him.

"This better not be another vaccination. I've already told you that the Rubella and Measles is my last vaccination." Izzy exclaimed.

"Well it's still a vaccination but it's not for you Izzy." Peter exclaimed.

"Oh thank goodness." Izzy sighed as she placed her hand on her chest, in relief.

"Wait then who is it for?" I asked him.

"It's for Cubby." Peter exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Cubby screamed, in terror.

"I'm not having it! I'm scared of needles!!" Cubby exclaimed.

"Well you're having it Cubby. Jake and Izzy already had theirs two years ago. You've got no choice, you're not backing out of this one." Peter exclaimed before he left.

"Cubby, it's okay. You won't even feel the needle." I exclaimed as me and Izzy sat down next to him.

"Yes I will. I might pass out from it. I might start panicking." Cubby exclaimed as he started to have trouble breathing.

"Cubby, Cubby, Cubby. Look at me, okay, now take deep breaths." I exclaimed as he looked at me and started to take deep breaths.

"I can't believe I just had a panic attack." Cubby exclaimed.

"Cubby, I'm sorry but you've got no choice, you're going have to get that vaccination done. I'll come with you and I'm pretty sure Izzy will come with you too." I exclaimed.

"No I'm staying here. Look I'm sorry Cubby but I don't deal well with seeing the sight of needles." Izzy exclaimed.

"I understand Izzy." Cubby exclaimed.

Cubby's POV

"Are you ready Cubby?" Jake asked me before we put our masks on.

"Yes." I exclaimed as we entered the hospital and we walked over to the Receptionist.

"Hello, this is Robert Andrews and he is here for his Rubella and Measles vaccinations." Jake signed me in.

"Okay, wait in the waiting room until your name is called out." She exclaimed.

We walked over to the waiting room and we sat down.

"Jake, I'm scared. I'm terrified of needles going into me. What makes it worse it's two needles going into me." I exclaimed as I was getting really terrified.

"Cubby, you're going to be okay. I'll be there with you. I'll hold your hand." Jake exclaimed.

"But what if they don't let you to come in because of COVID?" I asked him.

"I will try and get it in." Jake exclaimed.

"Cubby Andrews!" We heard my name being called as we stood up.

We walked over to the Vaccination room and I walked in but Jake got stopped by the nurse.

"Hello, we only allow the person who's getting vaccinated in here." The Nurse exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Cubby." Jake exclaimed as he had to leave the room.

I was feeling more nervous when I saw them setting up the two vaccinations, I started to hyperventilate.

"Robert, calm down. It's going to be done in one, two, three." The Nurse tried to calm me down as I kept seeing the needles.

"Get it away from me." I exclaimed as I started to feel lightheaded and everything turned black.

The Nurse's POV

When we saw Robert lying on the floor, I knew we had to get his friend in, so we can do his vaccinations.

"Hello, Robert fainted and he needs someone with him to get his vaccinations done." I exclaimed.

"Okay I'm coming in." He exclaimed as he came in.

Cubby's POV

I opened my eyes as I saw that I was sitting in a chair. I saw Jake in front of me.

"Jake, I'm scared." I exclaimed as I started crying.

"Cubby, you're going to be okay. I'm here and you can hold my hand, be brave for me and Izzy." Jake exclaimed as I nodded and he was trying to get me to calm down.

"Okay Cubby, are you ready for your vaccination?" The Nurse asked me.

"I think so." I exclaimed.

"Do you want to get it done in both arms at the same time or one arm at a time?" She asked me.

"Cubby, don't do what Izzy did. Get it done in both arms at the same time, it will be over sooner." Jake exclaimed as he knelt down and held my hands.

"But it's going to hurt." I exclaimed.

"Cubby, I'm holding your hands. Okay? You can do it." Jake exclaimed.

"Okay. I can do this. I'll have it in both arms." I exclaimed as the nurses got both vaccinations ready.

I closed my eyes and Jake was holding my hands. I felt both of them going into my arms while I squeezed Jake's hands.

"Well done. It's over." The Nurse exclaimed as I opened my eyes and I saw two bandaids on my arms.

"Good job Cubby. I'm proud of you." Jake exclaimed as he was standing up after he let go of my hands.

"Thanks Jake." I exclaimed.

"Here's a sticker for doing a good job." The Nurse exclaimed as she placed the sticker on my shirt.

"Thanks." I exclaimed.

Jake's POV

We left the hospital and we arrived back home.

"Hey guys, how was the vaccination?" Izzy asked us.

"Cubby did a great job even though he fainted at first, so they allowed me to come in, so he would have it done." I exclaimed even though Izzy was shocked when Cubby fainted.

"Are you okay Cubby?? You didn't hurt anything did you?" Izzy asked him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Cubby exclaimed.

"Were you brave?" Izzy asked Cubby.

"I sort of was but I had to hold Jake's hands because I don't like when the needle goes into your arms." Cubby exclaimed.

"Don't worry I know how you feel." Izzy exclaimed.

"I was crying and trying not to have it done." Cubby exclaimed.

"But you did it and we're so proud of you." I exclaimed.

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