(s2) new day

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5 months have passed since the attack on inari festival. Some new developments have occurred.

We see Johnson exit HQ and see rilla. He smiled and went up to her. "You ready for date 2?" Johnson asked as rilla noded and they got on to Johnsons hover bike and drove off.

We then see lucius wearing a gray jacket zipped and having on black jeans. We then see Xander wearing a white trench coat unbuttoned with its own hood. He had dark blue jeans which had mint green highlights running through.

Lucius was carrying food to bring in for blossom while Xander was training. Everything was calm. As it should be.

But then our vision changes that of a bus entering the city. As three girls got off the bus we see one of them having dark green hair another having vibrant red hair that faded to a pink and another having brown hair with faded blue highlights running throughout it.

"C'mon frosty we're on a tight schedule I got to check in on my baby bro" the red haired one said as tapped her foot Impatiently. "Isn't he older than you Cherry?" The green haired one said.

Cherry looked at her friend. "Technically yes but I still consider him my baby bro. And besides aren't you here to meet someone as well who was it again your online boyfriend you met on tinder?" Cherry said smugly. The green haired one sighed in frustration then finally the brunette of the three finally got off the bus carrying a buttload of packages.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to bring all our stuff." The brunette said. "You ready to go frost?" The green haired one said to frost. Frost noded and they walked of to their destination.

Back with rilla and Johnson they were simply eating at T'jo's. Johnson had his cheeseburger and relatively drink a milkshake.

"Those burgers can't be good for you" rilla said. "You're the one to talk you're always slurping down those milkshakes" Johnson said put me out her strawberry milkshake.

They kept talking making jokes just enjoying the moment.

Then a giant claw came through the buildings window smashing the table the two sat at thankfully not hurting either of them.

Johnson directed his eyes to wear the claw came from and saw a massive ogre Komodo. But something wasn't right with it it had this, red mist and white and red lightning coming from its mouth.

Regardless the thing seemed pissed. Johnson grabbed rilla and ran out of TJ's with her but you hopped on to his bike and drove off. "W-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Rilla shouted in terror "it was an ogre beast but it wasn't normal, something must have gotten to it! Look I gotta get you home." Johnson answered as he looked back to see the Beast getting further and further away from them.

Johnson turned around to keep his eyes on the road. As they drove off they could still hear their hearts beating rapidly. Then a giant black mass landed in the road in front of them causing them to halt.

Then the Black Mass revealed itself to be a figure by standing up with its mask covering its face but it's blonde hair still being observable.

"Red...." The being said. Johnson felt himself shake in utter terror.

Who the hell is this?!


Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

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