(s2) Nemesis

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Johnson stood up and got into a boxing position didn't have gante on him right now but his physical capacity should be enough to deal with this guy.

"rilla I need you to drive." Johnson said as he looked at rilla who noded at him and drove off.

The figure in front of Johnson faced him as he stepped out of the crater his very footstep shaking the Earth beneath him.

(Start music)

"Alright ugly. You want these hands fine let's throw them" Johnson said as the figures Mass became more defined as the smoke surrounding him dissipated revealing that his mask resembles that of a combination of an ogre bore plus a demonic face.

"Tell me child what is your name" the man spoke in a deep demanding tone. "My name... Is Johnson red" Johnson spoke.

The Man's masks eye sockets glowed red as a black flame engulfed itself around the man's fist. "Good I made it just in time. So are you ready to die child?" The man said.

Johnson could feel his soul quake. Normally whenever someone said they're going to kill someone it was usually a bluff but this, this was no bluff.

Johnson nodded. The man then hunched over as another black flame engulfed his hand. Then in a split second the man bolted towards Johnson slugging him in the gut.

Johnson was sent back flying into a building. After he hit the wall and broke through it he was on the floor groaning in pain clutching his stomach. It was like a tiny comet hit him in the gut at full force to that of an asteroid.

He should be dead. But for some reason a force of will compelled him to live. Johnson slowly stood up as the man that attacked him made his way to him Johnson could feel himself about to shit.

After a while Johnson noticed that the man in front of hims mask mouth was actually opened revealing his actual mouth and just by looking at it and his eyes. It was very much similar to Johnson's but for some reason the face was much more Fuller.

Then as Johnson prepared to punch the man slugged him in the face sending him into the ground. He could feel his nose break.

Johnson felt his will to fight slowly leave his body but the Man simply stood there as he raised his face again and started slamming him into the ground Johnson's face hitting it over and over and over and over and over again.

Then johnson heard lucius's voice shout "GOD SPEED". As we see purple electricity come out of nowhere with it transforming into lucius who then kicked the masked man but the kick barely sent the man backwards as he then regained his footing and looked at Lucius who was helping Johnson up as Xander then arrived.

"Who the hell is that?!" Xander said as lucius helped Johnson to his feet, he then handed him gante. "No idea. He just showed up" Johnson said as he coughed up blood. Johnson Lucius and Xander all pulled out their weapons and got into fighting stances. If they even had the chance of landing a single hit on him then maybe, maybe they could survive this.

The man then brought his hands together and cracked his knuckles making a distinct sound. CRRACKK. As black flames surrounded his hands again he then bolted towards Xander slugging him in the face sending him into the wall thankfully it appeared that the man was holding back the power of it. He then sluged lucius in the stomach.

Lucius quickly fell to his knees as all that was left was now the man and Johnson. Blood leaked from Johnson's nose and his face had multiple bumps and bruises. He readied gante.

The man stared at Johnson then the black flames disappeared. "You're just as pathetic as I was. Killing you now would be a waste of potential so mark my words children the next time we meet you won't die but you better be prepared." The man said as his entire being was engulfed in Black flames as he then disappeared.

Johnson then sat down his eyes wide as he just processed everything he had just experienced in that exact moment. He could take down Lucius, he could take could take down Xander. He was going to kill all of them.

(Music stop)

Johnson Lucius and Xander all just lay there as ambulances could be heard. Eventually they all arrived in the infirmary Xander and Lucius suffering non-lethal damage. But Johnson had a broken nose. He had internal bleeding and everything else that received less of a beat down had bruises covering them.

And one word was burned into Johnson's mind. "Nemesis".


Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟

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