Episode 18- Fireworks

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Emily's pov:

I was at the firehouse waiting for everyone to come back from a call. I was sat on the couch, wanting TV when they came back.

But Casey looked off. "Bro, you OK?" I asked him. He nodded then walked with Severide and Chief to his office. I stayed on the couch.

Otis sat next to me and I laughed as I watched Cruz play with Pouch. Shay then asked a question so Otis got up and walked over and got a bowl of popcorn and sat back down. He offered Mouch some than I started to eat it to.

Then Benny came back. I smiled and walked over to him. He brought donuts. I smiled and took one. "Hey, are you sure you wanna eat that?" Herrmann asked. I looked at him. "I'm just messing." He said. I smiled then took a bite.

We walked into the kitchen and Benny told a funny story. When Chief took him away, Otis walked behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. Joe looked at us and half smiled.


The alarm went. "Be safe." I said. He nodded. I then saw Kelly. "Kelly!" I yelled after him. He ran over to me quickly. "Are yoh ok? Your acting a bit off." I said. He smiled. "I'm fine." He said then kissed the top of my head and got in the Squad truck.


They came back and Cruze walked up to me. "Arson investigation. You would have loved it." He said. I smiled and hit him with the book I was reading. He laughed.

Otis walked up to me and hugged me. I smiled at him. "Oh, hey, Cruz. I'm going g to find out the gender tonight." I said. He smiled. "Message me." He said. Otis sighed. "Why dont you go. She can come hone and tell me." Otis said. Cruz smiled even bigger.


We sat down at the table with food. "So, uh, who asked who out? I'm just curious." Otis said. I laughed. They never really answered.


"OK. That's it. I'm outta here." Benny said. We all got up. We all said what we needed to say. "I hope to see you again, Ben." I said. He smiled and nodded and hugged me. "Keep an eye on my Kelly, will ya?" He asked. "Always." I said. He smiled.


"It's an award for valor!" Benny yelled. I looked up at him. He then told Mills what happened with his dad. Then Mills punched Benny.

I got up and helped hold Mills back, but he pushed me and I had to sit down. Cruz looked at me and walked over. I then got up and tan to the bathroom and threw up. Cruz ran in after me. "Emily!" He yelled. "I'm OK. I'm OK. He didn't hit my stomach." I said.

I heard Cruz take a deep breath, then he walked over to me and pulled my hair back as I threw up again. "So where did he hit you?" Cruz asked.

I sat on the floor and got some paper and cleaned around mu mouth. "My throat." I said. I then threw up again. "Ugh. I hate this." I said, pulling g my knees into my chest. Cruz hugged me. "Only 5 months left." He said. I half smiled.

Mills then ran in. "Is the baby ok?" He asked, panicked. I stood up. "You hit my throat. Not the baby. So their fine." I said. He hugged me. "I am so sorry." He said. "Don't apologise. It's fine." I said. He smiled then walked away. I knew he was out until further notice.


I was sat jn the room with the Jell on my stomach. "Your getting really big. Your at 5 months now." She said. I smiled. "Ready to find out the gender?" She asked. Cruz held my hand and I smiled.

"What are you hoping for?" She asked us both. "I'm hoping for a boy." I said. "As long as he likes his mother, I don't care." Cruz said. I laughed. "He likes his mother." I said. Cruz smiled and looked down.

"You want to know?" She asked. We shook out heads. She wrote down the gender and put it into an envelope. "I'll drop it off at Kelly's after I take you home." Cruz said. I smiled.

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