Epilogue - One Week Later

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One Week Later

Ericka groggily walks to the door as a gentle rapping on the wood awakens her. She opens the door, and smiles at finding Dracula there, dressed down in his classic black getup and cape.

"Good morning," she greeted, and then paused to consider something. "Or is it goodnight?"

Dracula chuckled. "Good morning will do." He leaned in to press a couple of sweet kisses to her lips which she gladly returned before he pulled away.

"Are you feeling okay, today?" He asked, putting a hand to her forehead to see if there was any sign of a fever. She had been in Hotel Transylvania's infirmary for the past several days since returning to the hotel from the cruise. She was experiencing some odd symptoms, those which included frequent nausea and vomiting every morning. After receiving some medication, however, she was released back to her suite and, while still feeling a little nauseous, she felt much better than she had before.

She pried his hand off her head and kissed it gently. "I'm fine," she assured.

Dracula breathed a sigh of relief. "Wonderful. Come with me," he offered, holding out his arm.

"Where are we heading to?" she asked, taking it between her arms and walking with him out into the hallway.

"It's a surprise," he whispered.

Ericka followed him quietly as they averted everyone else and made a beeline for the attic. He pulled her further along still, opening the window and carefully leading her out onto the shingles.

"Okay, okay," she giggled, "what's going on here, Mr. Sneaky Pants?"

Dracula shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make sure that nobody would be here to bother us."

"Oh? And what do you want to do, now that we're all alone?" she asked suggestively.

His eyes widened and he gulped. "W-well," he stammered. "I-I have to tell you something..."

Ericka smirked. "What a coincidence. I've been having to tell you something as well..." She paused and chuckled a little. "But you first."

Dracula licked his lips nervously. "Uh...right. Well... Ericka Van Helsing...." he started. His voice wavered a bit and he cleared it. She wanted to laugh, but held herself. It was amusing to see the great Count Dracula, ferocious vampire, be as shy as a schoolboy talking to his crush for the first time. He continued with more confidence.

"I was wondering if you would... marry me."

As he spoke the words, he held out a little box with a spider inside of it. The little creature was shaped as a ring, with a brilliant red jewel on its abdomen. Ericka gasped when she saw it.

"Well, what do you say?" Drac asked. "Will you marry me?"

Ericka is rendered speechless for a moment. Dracula was asking her to marry him. Her heart soared at the thought of being his wife, to spend her days by his side, to spend their nights making love to each other. But, despite his endowed body, her desire to be with him went beyond a physical need. He was so good to her, and respected her. He understood her emotions and was able to console her. And most importantly he had learned to see her for who she was - not a Van Helsing, not Martha - but Ericka.

She grinned widely and gave him a confident reply.


He smiled in gratitude and the little spider ring leaped out of its box and situated itself around her ring finger. She leaned into his embrace afterward.

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