Chapter 4: I rule the world!!

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Quick authors note:) Right now I'm listening to 'Happily' By-and you guessed it- 1D;). Anywho, I'm very sorry that I didn't write for almost kinda a week but...but...RAN FOR THE HILLS WE'VE BEEN FOUND!! Ok I'mma start the chappie-ignore all my weird comments;)!! I wish you peeps would comment and tell me I suck alrighty so I can stop writing:(. I'm sorry but IT'S SOOO HARDDD:(:(:( And if you don't know already I DON'T LIKE WRITING!! Shocker I know but I hate hard things and it hurts my fingies(fingers)!! Yea I'mma start now.....HAZEL HERE I COME TO MESS UP YOUR STARS!! I'm just gonna go now.....I SEE WHERE I'M NOT WANTED!! FATIMA OUT!!


**Taylor's POV**

"Oh you have no Idea" I said. And I meant it. She and I are very similar just she's INSANE while I'm just extremely weird.

"Who was that?" Louis asked dreamily. That little fart face has crush on me bestie!! Oooh!!

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH!! YOUR IN LOVE!! YOUR GONNA MAKE BABIES!! HAHAHA!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while running in a circle, swinging my arms over my head like a crazy person.....or like myself 'cause technically I AM a crazy person.

"I DO NOT!! I just admired how hot she is." Louis said matter-a-factly.

"Bull. You were practically drooling over her!! I can picture all the little ugly babies your gonna have!! The only pretty one is gonna be named after her gorgeous Auntie Taylor!!" I said looking him straight in the eyes, poker face on. Everyone was quiet for about two seconds before they burst out laughing. Fine. They want to laugh. I'mma just act.

I started thinking of sad things like all the food in this world disappearing. I stopped when I felt warm tears streaming down my cheeks. Then I pulled my best puppy eyes while looking each one of them in the eyes then finally settling on Niall. I think I read somewhere that he was the most gullible. Correctomundo! 'Cause when I looked at him he immediately stopped laughing and hugged me. I burried my head in his chest, taking in his nice smelling colone, lightly chuckling. But then I couldn't help it anymore and I burst.

"HAHAHA GULLIBLE BITCHES!! I RULE THE WORLD!!! WOOP WOOP!!" I screamed in his face pointing at all the other guys with shocked expressions on their faces. But then I remembered something. Michelle.

"Yo Michie where is ya?" I said in me ghetto voice while walking to her room. Once I walked in she tackled me to the ground. Then she got up and dragged me into her room from my feet.

"Frick, Michelle you have to warn peep when you, oh I don't know, KIDNAP THEM!!" I said kinda annoyed by her tactics.

"Well how else was I gonna get you in my room??" She said. Oh dear lord! She can't be serious, can she? 

"Ok A) Michelle your a TERRIBLE planner, and B) I WAS HEADED FOR YOUR ROOM YOU MORON!!" I yelled in her face. She put her hand to where her heart is in mock hurt."You bastard!! you went straight for the heart!!" She said falling to the floor dramatically.

"Noooo don't die on meee!!" I said kneeling down next to her. As I was kneeling down beside her I heard faint chuckles coming from the doorway. I looked up and saw all the boys standing there with red faces about to explode in laughter.

"THEY'RE GONNA BLOWWW!!" I yelled as I grabbed Michelle and ducked behind the bed. And with that the boys erupted. As they were distracted me and Michelle army crawled to the closet. I moved the boxes out of the way while Michelle watched out for the boys. Then I opened the little crawl space door that led to Michelle's room and crawled through. Michelle came after me and then she pulled the boxes closer then closed the door. Then I got a brilliant plan! *insert mischievous smile here*!!

"Michie guess what?!?" I whisper/yelled at her. 

"What?" She asked confused.

"Lets play a prank on the butt munchs!!" I said enthusiastically

"YEA!!" She screamed. Then I gave her the 'shut the hell up son' look, which shut her up.

"Lets go"


I know, I know, IT'S SOOO SHORT!!But-and I qoute- 'Sorry, love, but I don't really care'-Happily!! Anywho, I want you peeps to read this book I just finished, It is hilarious!! It's called 'Once Upon A Carrot' By @ZLikesWolves. It is simply amaZAYN!! WOO!! If you peeps didn't know I'M HIGH ON SKITTLES!! They're just so phenomiNIALL- I think that is how to spell it-!!!!!! You peeps who are reading this COMMENT!!!! PWETTY PWEASE!! Ajigi jigi Mawigi wigi -that is like my own Hakuna Matata exept I don't know what it means, I just made it up-!!


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