Chapter 5:Pranks

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"Michie guess what?!?" I whisper/yelled at her. 

"What?" She asked confused.

"Lets play a prank on the butt munchs!!" I said enthusiastically

"YEA!!" She screamed. Then I gave her the 'shut the hell up son' look, which shut her up.

"Lets go"

*End of Recap*

*Taylor's POV*

I walked into the living room carrying everything for our prank. Michelle locked the guys in my room and she's keeping them occupied. She fed them a lie saying I had ran out of tampons and mine was overflowing so I'm going to go buy some. I swear when this is over I'm gonna slap her silly.

Our prank consisted of me squirting myself with fake blood and getting  Alex to carry me into the apartment saying he hit me with his motorcycle and I might be died. I know, BRILLIANT! I can't help that I'm just that smart/amazingly cunning. 

I decided after ten minutes of squirting myself that it was taking to long, so I went into the tub, took the cap off the fake blood and just spilled it on myself. I also cut up my clothes and put makeup on my face so it actually looked like I hurt myself. 

When I was done with that I walked out of the bathroom and ran across the hall to Alex's flat and knocked rather hard. He opened his door with slightly swollen and red lips and his hair messed up. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top and was roughed up.

"What the hell happened to you?! You look like you had a make-out session with a freaking biker!" I said trying not to laugh.

 Just then a girl, with WAY too much makeup, came up behind Alex and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.

"Who is she?" She asked, spiting out 'she' like it's disgusting. 

"She has a name. Why the hell do you have a talking coloring page behind you? And why is it speaking to me?" I asked Alex ignoring her whining to make him defend her from me.

"This is girlfriend?" He said more like a question then a statement.

"Well tell it to stop talking to me. Honestly my ears can't take the pitch. I think their ringing." I said rubbing my right ear gingerly. 

"Axel! Why is she talking to me like that?! And why are you letting her?" She said stomping her feet on the ground like a five year old and pouting.

"Did she just call you Axel?" I asked laughing so loud the next door neighbor opened his door. But closing it as soon as I flipped him the bird. "Well Axel, you got yourself a keeper!...As in keep her the hell away from me." I said smiling innocently. He was trying to stifle his laugh but it slipped. And let me tell you, it was loud.

"Fine!" She huffed and ran back inside. She came back out with her bag and a cardigan. "I'm leaving! We are over!" She said fuming with anger. I swear if you concentrate hard enough you could almost see the smoke coming from her ears.

"Bye! I won't miss you and I'm pretty sure Axel here won't either!" I said grinning and speaking in fake enthusiasm. She stormed off down the hall and turned the corner still wickedly mad.

 "Well that was fun and all but I need you now. Come." I said hauling him into our flat and sitting him in the living room.

"Why! I was gonna get laaaaaaid!!" He whined and pouted while slumping into the couch. 

"Well you can help me prank One Direction!" I said knowing he loves pranks.

"Yeah yeah!" He said excitedly clapping his hands. I quickly explained the plan and he agreed without hesitation. 


After we got Alex 'into character', as he calls it, we had to throw something big off the balcony to make it sound like a crash. We already cleared out a large area below us so no one gets injured. We decided to throw a bunch of tires off so it would sound like some hit the brakes then crashed into something, or in this case, someone. Don't ask where we got the tires from. Just know that One Direction's limo will not be a smooth ride anymore.

After that, me and Alex left the apartment and re-entered, only louder. He picked me up bridal style and smeared some fake blood on his face and hands. 

"Help! Help!! I need help!" He screamed and I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, turning it into ragged breaths. I soon heard a herd of footstep come running into the living room. They all began speaking at the same time until Liam told them all to shut up and let him explain what happened.

"I was driving down the street and she came out of nowhere. She was yelling something about skittles and Josh Hutcherson  when BAM! I hit her with my motorcycle and he went hurling off the road and into a....blackberry bush." Alex said, acting like he was panicked. "She pointed to this apartment building and said the number 205, so I came here. I think she's dead."

Zayn came up to me and listened to my breathing. "She sounds pretty bad. We need to take her to the hospital. Like right now." He said as Niall went to grab me from Alex. While he was picking me up he accidentally poked me in my side, I let out a squeal and Niall dropped me on the floor.

Shit. We've been compromised. ROLL BACK SOLDIERS!

"Did she just...squeal?" Harry asked pointing at my lifeless body laying like a starfish in the middle of the floor.

"I believe she did." Louis said squatting down beside me and poking me again. I squealed and rolled on  my side while holding my tummy.

"What the hell?" Liam said and sat down next to Louis, aka the dummy that ruined the prank.

"I their pranking us mates" Louis yelled standing up and pointing from me to Alex.

"How did you know?!" Alex asked bewildered.

"Your looking at the master of all things prank my friend" Louis said smirking. I sat up and groaned.

"But you guys were very good" Harry added.

"Wait...what happened to your Tampons?" Niall asked standing there looking confuzzeled.

"Ah! Young innocent dumb Niall, That was all but a muse in our prank! No Tampons were needed, in fact everyone forgot about them but you" Michie said smiling innocently, making Niall blush furiously.

"Uh um...lets talk about something else." He said quietly, looking at his shoes.

"I know! Let's play truth or dare" Louis suggested and everyone agreed.

This is gonna be a very long night.


Okay so I know I didn't update in kinda 2 months but the updates will start to become more scheduled and...yeah. Bye bye and don't eat a TV remote=)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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