And so...the pokemon master is born

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Hello everyone, before we start I would like to clarify this story will be posted on both wattpad and

"Person speaking"

"Person thinking"

" Other Entity speech"

"Other Entity thoughts"




"Thank you for your purchase!"


Automatic doors opened to a sunny day outside. Clouds were barely visible in the sky, with no signs of flying birds anywhere, there was the only the sun, and the unimaginable heat it produced which very few enjoyed

Matsumoto Akihito was not one of the few. When he was little he used to love the summers, you can wear any comfortable clothes you wished to, drink anything you want, and eat any ice-cream you want

He looked like your normal teenager, with black eyes, black hair and a normal build, having a height of 5'10 at the age of 15. He hoped he could grow further, but ultimately didn't care much.

Growing up however, he started to hate summers, it started to get too hot for him, no matter what he did, the heat would bother him to the point he used deodorants as a method to cool his body, and the only way to not feel that much heat would be to go naked, but Matsumoto does not like to be naked even alone, except when it is required to be

Making his way with the help of a sorry excuse of a sidewalk, he begin walking towards his home, but the heat was too much for him, it did not help that he was carrying a very heavy bag filled with groceries

'I am so getting chilled water after this'

The street was crowded with people, markets spread across everywhere, almost making it look like a prison, and the crowd looked like the prisoners within it, of course the reason for the huge crowd, is the huge sale going on, which is also the reason why Matsumoto came here

After moving out and living alone for the past few years, Matsumoto finally understood why his parents didn't buy him the toys he wanted, at that time it may only have been a few extra yen, but for him now, it was too much to lose

I guess this is growing up, losing your innocence, and finally seeing the damn world and how unfair it is, and having no choice but to accept it since denial will only make it worse

'I have to stop overthinking like a philosopher'

Counting the remaining money, he cursed yet again, he messed up his calculations and did not have enough money to hire a taxi or Uber. Sighing in defeat he simply walked to his home

Despite the former paragraphs, Matsumoto Akihito did not infact, have shortage of money, he did not have a shortage of friends, he did not have a shortage of anything, and neither did he have extra of anything

Completely average, well unless you count his love for pokemon. When he did not hang out with his closed group of friends, he booted up his switch and played pokemon.

One thing that came close to his love for pokemon was anime. He loved watching the fight scenes and the character speeches when he was young, but after growing up, he did not bother watching the anime, he only read the manga since it was just more enjoyable for him for some reason

So how did he have friends despite being a gamer and a weeb? He never told them

"I'm home"

Matsumoto called out to no one as he set his groceries on the table and started to sort them out. Nothing fancy, but enough to survive and pay the month's rent too

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