Thunderwave Cave

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Hello everyone, before we start I would like to clarify this story will be posted on both Wattpad and Fanfiction

"Person speaking"

"Person thinking"

"Other Entity speech"

"Other Entity thoughts"


If you read on sites without Bold, Italic, or Underline available

"Person/Entity speaking"

'Person/Entity thinking'

[{Chapter Start}]

"What do you mean he wasn't there?"

A middle-aged woman with a stoical and steely expression, possessing a set of turquoise eyes and ash blonde hair that was slicked back. She wore a black suit jacket and dress, along with a purple shirt and a necklace.

"Y-yes Madam President, we searched the entire body, but we found no traces of the boy named Matsumoto Akihito were nowhere to be found, as well as his guardian."

"You may leave"

The man bowed as he left the office. The President of the HPSC sat alone in silence as she pondered the situation with a stern face, betraying any form of emotions or thoughts in her head. She then slightly turned back to speak to the person hidden in the shadows


On command, a man emerged from the pitch-black like a ghost. A normal person would not even be aware of the man's presence in the room

"You know what to do, find the boy at any costs"

"And his Aunt?"

"If found, kill her"

Hawks silently nodded as he turned around to leave.


Suddenly turning around, Hawks shot a feather through the air, dispelling a sharp needle of ice heading straight for the president's face. Though surprised, she quickly schooled back her expressions, Assassination attempts on the president of the HPSC were uncommon, but they did occur.

Silently moving her hand underneath the desk, she quickly flipped open a switch and proceeded to press it

"Uh uh uh"


Or she would have hoped to, if not for a sudden ice spear aimed at her neck, and a second ice needle to completely mutilate the finger close to the button. Despite the pain of getting a finger cut off, the president did not show any emotions, as three feathers quickly destroyed the spear.

(A/N: The president of the HPSC's name was never mentioned, I'm calling her President coz that's the way she was referred to in canon)

Hawks appeared near the president, wrapping her around with one wing, as multiple feathers emerged from the other wing, targeting every corner of the room.

Despite covering the entire room, not a single feather managed to pierce the assailant.

'Some form of teleportation Quirk? Or perhaps a Quirk that renders the target invincible to any attacks for a short period of time? No, even if there was such a quirk, the recoil of the feather hitting the man would have alerted his ears. Perhaps some form of phasing Quirk?

No, we were attacked by ice too, perhaps a duo?''

Suddenly years worth of experience flared up his instincts, instantly dodging a barrage of ice needles near his head, as he raised his wing to attack the direction from where the needles originated

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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