Team Evolution

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Hello everyone, before we start I would like to clarify this story will be posted on both Wattpad and Fanfiction

"Person speaking"

"Person thinking"

"Other Entity speech"

"Other Entity thoughts"


If you read on sites without Bold, Italic or Underline available

"Person/Entity speaking"

'Person/Entity thinking'

[{Chapter Start}]

(AN: Sorry for the late upload, I just completed my finals, and now I am officially in my last year of school

Wish me luck)

"Water Gun"

No hesitation followed as a sprout of water shot out from Mudkip's mouth targeting the Pidgey in front of it. High pressure water capable of shredding fucking metal shot towards the unassuming Pidgey, hitting in straight on it's head. At that moment, neither Matsumoto, nor Blossom cared if the Pidgey survived or died, which it most likely did, but only cared about one thing, which popped up in front of them

{Mudkip levelled up to LVL 16}

{Mudkip has reached the necessary level to evolve}

{Checking the Laws Of The World}

{No hindrances found}

{Asking for permission from the Will of the World}


[Permission Granted]

{Proceeding Evolution from Mudkip to Marshtomp}

A blinding white light emerged from Mudkip as white particles started floating around it. Winds started blowing, as Mudkip started to float in the air, getting covered by the particles eventually getting full on lathered with them to a point not even a single speck of pink could be seen anymore. Many genetic changes were occurring inside Blossom's DNA on a microscopic level, as the DNA strands moved and mutated. Evolution, which took millions of years to turn fishes into human beings, occurred in mere seconds.


And from the miracle of evolution, emerged a completely new Pokémon


{Mudkip has evolved to Marshtomp}

{Marhstomp's stats have been upgraded}


"Damn it"

But while Matsumoto was momentarily stunned and ensnared by the evolution process, but the reality of the situation hit him really hard. What he did was stupid. What was he thinking announcing a "Quirk" that was this powerful in a Pokémon/Quirk based society, but he underestimated it all, and he paid the price for it, because in front of him was his house. Well what used to be anyways? Why say house, instead of the apartment that he used to live in? Well there was a very simple reason for that to be honest

It was rubble. Not only his apartment, but the entire damn building he was in that used to be a lively home for the dozens of people living in it, was now just a piece of rubble.

The said dozens of people laid dead in a pool of blood as they were crushed under the rubble. Husbands impaled while trying to protect their families, babies that could not be more than a year old crushed to paste under the very parents supposed to protect them. All of the people in the building were dead, and while that makes sense, there were absolutely NO survivors, and while that makes sense for the people who were in the building

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