What a peculiar world

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Hello everyone, before we start I would like to clarify this story will be posted on both wattpad and fanfiction.net

"Person speaking"

"Person thinking"

" Other Entity speech"

"Other Entity thoughts"




This story is posted on both fanfiction.net and wattpad

Before we start, I would like to announce that even though the MC will get legendaries, the Creation trio,Giratina and Celebi are pokemon he will not get since if he makes a major mistake then he could rewind time or go to a different point in time or go to a different space where he didn't make the mistake or back to when he didn't make the decision essentially making all his actions having no consequence which is never a good thing.

I may add celebi due to it's healing powers, but I will take away it's time traveling properties

He will get them in pretty much the last few chapters, for something which I will not spoil

SuperSonic64:I understand what you are saying, however I'm just saying grass types are viewed as weak due it possibly having one of the most, if not the most amount of weaknesses to other types, and I'm fairly sure there are like 5 types immune to grass, could be wrong tho

A guest: I did not actually know that a dungeon games for pokemon existed, atleast that solves for what I can get in drops now







"Bzzztt, what are you doing"

Rotom floated out of Marsumoto's phone as he hovered in the air and looked at his master's attempt to communicate with his pokemon, which looked really funny

"So Rotom, looks like all the time I spent on those games weren't worthless"

"Bzztt, I am actually quite surprised by your dedication to those games, you have really wonderful pokemon in them"

"Eh, not a big deal" Matsumoto said as he shrugged "I just wanted to pass some time, considering there was nothing better to do" Matsumoto then continued petting treecko as if he said something casual

Rotom looked at it's master with wide eyes "Not a big deal?" Rotom said with shock,"You not only bred all your pokemon to have perfect IV stats, but they were even shiny and HA, do you realize how rare those are?"

Matsumoto shrugged as he looked at his shiny treecko"It wasn't that much of a hassle,sure it took some time, but it was worth it...I think, I hope"

"Wait, I understand that you can breed pokemon to get them, even though the chances of getting a pokemon with all three characteristics are extremely low but" Rotom actually felt scared to ask this "how did you get the legendaries to have max stats, HA and shiny"

"Oh that?" Matsumoto pondered as he scratched his head and looked thoughtful"Well you can't breed legendaries, so I just saved before encountering one, then I just kept on repeating till I got the perfect legendary"

"...You're kidding right?" Rotom's expression was in disbelief "I... isn't getting a pokemon like that in the wild and not breeding really rare?"

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