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It's been a long time huh? Like 2 smth years?

So uh... I haven't been updating for 2 reasons

The first is that i had to prepare for my college entrance exams, which I'm done with btw, gonna go to college in like 2 months or so? So that's neat

No more school now... fuck that's nostalgic now that I think about it

The second is that I wanted to wait for the BNHA manga to end. Not so I could follow the plot-

(which isn't possible anymore because of the existence of pokemon and team evolution, expect events that didn't happen in canon to happen, or canon events to play out differently)

-but because of the bombshells and plot twists, like for example the fact we know the UA traitor who is and all that stuff

Not that it really matters, its going to be a bunch of chapters untill UA begins coz im gonna write stuff like youth leagues, rookie leagues, a pokemon trip gone wrong, all that jazz which will take a while

Mangas introduce plot twists all the time, but now that we're pretty much at the end, I think it's safe to make fanfics about bnha do I can start uploading now

Also holy shit MHA took the JJK route in the last chapters, Izuku is gonna lose his Quirk? Gah damn

Also solo leveling got a live adaptation and an official game now( not to brag, but I'm pretty high lvl in the game) so I might make a SL fanfic too

I'm only gonna make fics of media that are completed now, so if u want me to make fics of ongoing Mangas, I'm not doing that sry ( no one piece fics for now)

Yeah that's it, I'll upload tmrw or day after tmrw


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