Who is that?

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"Hey, you know you should've told me that you were going to be in this period or else I was going to tell the others," Korinna says, patting my head.
"Well, I didn't know," I say looking at the door.
The men walked in and the one who took Wooyoung out looked at me with a wide smile that made his eyes almost disappear. He walked toward me holding out his hand.
"I apologize for Wooyoung. He is pretty protective over the smallest of things. I'm San, this is Mingi, and the others are on their way. I'll introduce them when they get here." San sat down next to me on the other side.
Korinna turned around as the door opened revealing Yunho and four other guys, One of which was, of course, Seonghwa. Yunho smiled as he sat down next to Korinna grabbing her hand. Seonghwa made eye contact with me and looked away to the teacher who had just walked in. Wooyoung turned his head to look at me with an angry expression on his face. The teacher began to teach the class and Wooyoung's eyes have not left my face yet. San tapped on my shoulder with his pencil and caused me to take my attention off of Wooyoung.
"Don't pay attention to him. He's just a brat. He'll be over it in a few minutes. And he'll totally forget about it in an hour. Don't worry about him." San said, looking back up at the teacher.

The class ended after three hours and Korinna stood up rapidly slamming her hands on the desks causing the rest of the guys to jump up from their short naps.
"Let's go guys. Y/N, you coming? We're going to go get lunch. We won't force you to do things you don't want to do"
"No, I'd love to join. I kind of want to get to know you guys better," I say smiling as I packed up the papers that were handed out at the beginning of class.
San stood up smiling looking at my bags.
"Sweet. So where are we going to go?" he asks looking at Korinna and Yunho who were embracing each other.
Seonghwa stood up looking at me then looking at San.
"I'm in the mood for Jungsik, you guys want to go there possibly?" he asks, looking at Yunho and another man with a medium shade of brown in his hair.
"I'm in the mood for something filling, not pointless and disgusting noodles. We need good noodles. Like," a man with silver hair spoke up.
"Oh, right Y/N this is Yeosang, Hongjoong, Jongho, Yunho, and-"
"We've already met San. She's in my first class. And she bumped into me the night we went to get ramen and ice cream." Seonghwa stated as everyone left the class.
Wooyoung folded his arms, scowling at me. San began to think out loud as everyone packed up.
"We could go to Copacabana grill, I'm sure we have enough won for the food there," Yeosang stated.
Everyone looked at each other and nodded.
"Wh-what? Where's that?"
"I can take you! It's not that far. It's just across one of the bridges and in Itaewon."
"What?! Hyung I thought you were taking me."
"Get a ride with Seonghwa. I'm sure he wouldn't be too upset. Right, Hyung?"
Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung placing his hands on his shoulders with a sigh. "Let's go if we're going."
Seonghwa and Wooyoung left while everyone else began to discuss rides. San threw his backpack over his shoulder.
"Well, let's go drop off your things and we can get going." San and I walked out of the classroom and the sun's bright rays caused me to go blind slightly for a few seconds but my eyes finally adjusted to the light.
We entered the dorms and I opened the door to my room. San held the door open and allowed me to enter the room before him. I threw my bag on my bed and straightened my shirt. While San stood in front of my bathroom mirror to fix his hair. He smiled at himself and turned around, turning the light off in the bathroom. He cleared his throat as he grabbed something from Korinna's blanket. He turned his head toward me and smiled awkwardly. He let go of it and stepped into the bathroom. He came out with a large wad of toilet paper wrapped around his fingers. 
"Sorry about this, I think Yunho or Korinna forgot about this." he picked up a long piece of latex from under the bedsheets.
"Is that-"
"Yep, it's a deflated balloon. I don't want to touch it, it could still have saliva in it." San threw away the balloon in a trash can not that far from Korinna's bed.
"Let's get on the road or else we won't be back before our next class," San says, throwing away the toilet paper that was wrapped around his fingers.
  I nodded and we both stepped out of the room in awkward silence. I locked the door while San was already on his way out. I rushed up to him holding onto my key as tightly as possible.
"Hey, you don't mind if your hair gets messed up do you?" San asks, holding the glass door to the parking lot for me.
I scoffed, "no. why?"
San stepped out, running to his black Suzuki Hayabusa that had hangul on the side spelling out power. "Because I like to go fast." he grabbed a helmet and handed it to me.
"Hold up, so this is your only way of transportation? No car or anything?" I ask putting on the helmet.
San shook his head as he lifted his seat to pull out another helmet. San slammed the seat down and dusted it off.
"Good thing I like fast," I smirked.
San smiled and got on the bike with a huff. He looked up at the sky then down at the ignition where he put the key. The bike started up and San looked at me.
"Well, get on. I don't want to be late," he said lifting the stand on his bike.
I got on the bike and grabbed on tight to the seat.
"Don't grab the seat, I don't want you to ruin my seats with your fingernails."
I looked around.
"Then where do I put my hands?"
San groaned and grabbed my hands placing them on his chest. "Here is fine. Now let's go before I start eating you." he joked.
I laughed as San began to move slowly.
"Holy cow, slow down. You are going way too fast. Stop. stop."
"I haven't even started. There's a car in front of us. and they're being really slow." San says, looking at me through the mirror.

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