When moved to Site 25 and under the supervision of Doctor Bright many new rules were established for the two...We thought that they couldnt cause harm but the combined insanity of it caused all of the staff to go mad and get irritated over the the duo of Experiment and Scientist.
When Rose had finally come back to us after her well needed break she detailed having an interaction with the Suited male.
~Interview Begin~
Rose:"So why am I here?"
Council:"You had mentioned having interaction with the one who had caused the Breach can you detail it?"
Rose:"Oh yes when I had left to get Riverwood something I had appeared in an odd place. I can describe it as almost a mansion that you would see from the victorian Era surprised by this I was soon greeted by a butler with two antlers atop his head and led to a room where he sat."
Council:"Butler? Did this person say his name?"
Rose:"No he did not sleep but every so often he looked back and his stomach would growl slightly. Anyway when I was seated with the man he thanked me for watching over his Little brother and introduced himself as William Chaos when I had inquired about the last name he said he could not reveal that to me."
Council:"Ok did he saying anything more important."
Rose:"Oh yes! He has described that Scp [Redacted] was older and wiser than far would know and that under normal circumstances he would never show his true form as it was "utterly nightmarish" in his words."
Council:"Did he describe it at all."
Rose:"No he had not."
Council:"Did he happen to say anything else that was intriguing."
Rose:"As far as I know he said nothing that was intriguing well except the part where he had told me that Riverwood had tried to split us apart due to Jealousy and that he was only taking revenge for trying to kill his little brother."
Rose:"He had also mentioned something else...that he had planted someone a guardian for the child among the facility."
Council:"Understood thank you Miss Rose."
Rose:"No problem."
Rose nodded after this and left leaving us with discussion about the rat and much more information about the mysterious man that was what we called Scp 6172
~Interview End~
When Rose went to retrieve Zach she found Doctor Bright asleep and a small bed on the bed an empty bed...When Questioned Bright became panicked and looked around the room showing care for the child.
~Zach Pov~
Id wait in the vent that led to the lunchroom until the scientists and staff had cleared out I jumped down and walked over to the table looking at the infinite pizza drool came from my mouth as I opened the box and looked around as my acid fell to the floor.
Soon emerged looking different having a steampunk outfit on and with all sorts of thing of chemistry upon it...Id smile as Id reach out and grab a slice of the infinite pizza.
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Id full on scream as Id snap my head towards the Female clearing her throat turning back into my child form I looked up to see three sisters the oldest seemed to be the one to have caught my attention.
Girl 2:"Sister look he can change."
Girl 1:"I can see that."
The third of the three girls walked up to me and offered me icecream...Id grab it quickly as my eyes would star up Id happily shovel the icecream down my throat with a metal spoon in the sink.
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Girl 3:"Do you like it?"
Zach:"I can eat any Icecream and whats with the vanilla theres so many cool flavors such as mint, Pistachio, Chocolate, Moose tracks."
Girl 1:"Ahem little sister."
Girl 3:"What?"
Girl 1:"Please come back to my side."
Girl 2:"Well...Boy."
Zach:"Names Zach."
Girl 2:"Well Zach-"
Zach:"Whats your names?"
Girl 1:"...Our names? Hm...Nobody ever asked us we usually got called by a number or the sisters."
Zach:"I know! They are so rude!"
Girl 1:"Hmm..."
Zach:"Sarah, Sky, and Samantha."
Girl 2:"...Sarah."
Girl 3:"...Sky."
Girl 1:"...Samantha."
All of them said a name to my joy before nodding and thanking me.
Zach:"Anyway this whole time youve been observing me but Ive also been observing you... Samantha is the leader of the three as both usually silence when she talked and she was the one to grab my attention she was the most formal...Sky is the follower if were going on age and shes more curious in nature wanting to know menial things as she had given me icecream and gauged my reaction... Sarah I have yet to gather information on."
Samantha looked absolutely gob smacked the two others did too as I just smiled and all smiled before Samantha snapped her fingers... and I looked around the place as she explained that I was going to be a subject for a test...I only smiled.
~Zach Pov End~
After a while the Sisters had responded to the Council with so much Joy about how well their experiments had went they were surprised to learn that they did them and shocked to learn that Zach was the subject in them they even asked to "Borrow him for more indepth experiments."
When Zach was returned to the kitchen he went for the infinite Pizza but Rose who was also in there at the time just stared as he looked at her...She ran over and hugged him he dodged her and just tackled the pizza box mauling to her account "1000 slices before he was finally full"
After this he curled up on her lap and went to bed happy she just pet his head as Dr. Bright burst in happy to see Zach in Roses lap.