A Rat Revealed

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During the day of August 25 we had realized it had been a couple months since Scp [Redacted] had been with us and talking, more responsive towards the questions as a reward we let him choose his own experiment.

When the Idea was proposed to Rose she happily agreed and Scp [Redacted] was given a list of Scp's to choose from when looking through each number out of the document it took him a day to figure out what he wanted.

When we got back the paper we were blown away at what Scp [Redacted] had requested from us not only was it fully detailed on what he wanted in it.

The first thing asked is that we moved Class D 258 into a specific casino he provided the coordinates and name when investigated it seemed like an abandoned Casino the place was trashed.

When the guards got back one mentioned the sound of slot machines whirring and dinging with the cheers of victory along with the shuffle of cards when we asked Scp [Redacted] what this was he only responded with a simple phrase. "You want a rat do you not?"

We had been shocked that he knew we had kept the researching on a down low but guessed that the Rat has revealed himself to Scp [Redacted] when we agreed to this he asked that the Scp 1765 were also present in the casino.

When asking the Scp 1765 they were more than happy to follow the request from their number one test subject he also requested that dr.Bright, Rose, and himself were there during this time.

He then requested that the three sisters along with the guards and the two scientists and himself were fitted with radios and a set of body cameras he also to have 10 MTF at the Casino all equipped with heavy weapons and with the best physical reports.

We had accepted the terms and shook on it and loaded the Scp 1765 along with Class D 258 when looking through body cam footage he never responded to their questions and Scp 1765-1 got aggressive but he kept his mouth shut.

When arrived they were put inside and shortly after the MTF arrived and stationed on vantage points soon Rose, Dr. Bright, and Scp [Redacted] arrived being the last ones when Scp 1765 saw him they were smiling seeming to be pleased.

~Experiment 591 Begin~

When looking around Zach seemed pleased with this before watching Class D 258 walk to the middle of the room he stood there looking at the ground Zach pointed forward.

Zach:"Aim at the Class D."

The MTF followed orders and aimed at the Class D Rose looked at Zach confused.

Rose:"What are you doing?"

Zach:"Trust me..."

The Class D's head shot up as he turned toward Zach a look of curiosity planted on his face before he only chuckled to himself...

Zach:"Its been a while Quinn."

Quinn:"That it has."

The Class D just snickered before nodding confirming his name to be Quinn.

Zach:"Surprised he sent you though...Thought he would go with a safer option."

Quinn:"Well I did Beg on my knees for this gig kid."

Zach:"Hm quite odd...But there also a reason so enlighten me."

Quinn looked about staring at the lazer dots and you could see his mouth move as he counted you heard him silently...Count from 1 to 5

Quinn:"Quite the number...but I count six..."

Zach:"I dont want one."

Quinn:"So one each...Hmm I can manage that much for you too ehh I throw in one for free."

Quinn then looked at the guards.

Quinn:"Hm...Well why are they aiming never mind I know you..."

Zach:"Yes you do...Kill him!"

The guards loaded their guns and went to fire but the guns clicked Quinn just began to chuckle before bursting out into laughter.


The doors slammed shut as the whole room changed the Casino was bustling and looked brand new the roulette tables going with people calling for their number...

Rose:"What is this?"

Zach:"The Casino of Avarice...Each one of the people have fallen to Greed and theirs souls are trapped here for all eternity...And that includes five more."

Rose:"You plan on killing the guards!?"

Quinn:"Theyre already dead...I killed them as soon as they entered. And besides I am an honest man so each of you gets one request now it could be anything. From a question which I will answer to an item you may want."

Samantha:"Thats astonishing...Then tell me Mr.Quinn who is Zach."

Quinn:"A man corrupted by Chaos...Lying about his origin, he was never fully acid in the beginning but turned by another Chaotic figure...He was called Zachary Fisher and he was a well sought out alchemist and plague doctor..."

Sarah:"You can really answer anything...Hmm then how about this what would be a good yielding experiment to put Zach in?"

Quinn:"He has multiple forms...He has yet to tell you but he has five and many more he has yet to discover."

Skye:"Whats the best icecream Flavor."

Quinn would snap and a tub of Icecream would appear in Skye's hands.

Quinn:"Everything Icecream...Turns into the favorite Icecream of whoever the tub touches."

All the sisters began jotting down notes as all of them seemed pleased then Quinn then turned to the two scientists.

Quinn:"And you two?"

Dr. Bright:"How can I cause the most Chaos in the Scp Foundation."

Quinn:"...Hmm...Conduct an Experiment between Kumiho and Zach."

Dr. Bright:"Understood!"

Quinn:"You young lady?"

Rose:"...Does Zach Care for me."

Quin:"August 30...An Scp shall be lost and a scientist shall prosper at the hands of a vengeful man..."

Rose:"So Vague?"

Zach:"Hmm...Can you kill me?"

Quinn stood there.


Zach:"Then I get a second request."

Quinn stood there before sighing.


Zach:"Are you the only one?"


Zach:"You lied answered too quickly."

Quinn:"I am."

Zach:"The others are there too arnt they?"


Zach:"Yes they are."


We then got feedback after that or thats what was described by Zach...We now worried as we had only caught one of multiple rats placed in here by William...

~Experiment End~

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