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The next few days were amazing for Beomgyu. That is until he started seeing Yeonjun everywhere he went. He was at the shops when Beomgyu was, in the streets when he was and Beomgyu was getting annoyed slightly. 

He had found out that Yeonjun was at the same school he was and that made things worse for him. He didn't want to keep seeing him everywhere. 

Beomgyu sat down by himself in the lounge room before hearing someone talking with the librarian and he sighed when he recognized the voice. 

"What do you mean I can't borrow this? I need this for English", Yeonjun had snapped.

"I've been given rules to not let certain students borrow due to behavior", the librarian said. Yeonjun huffed and walked off before meeting Beomgyu's eyes. The boy quickly looked down but Yeonjun walked over.

"I'm seeing you everywhere now aren't I"? He spoke, leaning against the table. 

"Go away Yeonjun. I just wanna be left alone"... Beomgyu whispered. 

"Why? You seem like someone who could have tons of friends". 

"Well I don't have friends thanks to my parents. So leave now please". Yeonjun ended up sitting down and Beomgyu looked up at him, his expression soft. 

"You don't have friends"? 

"Yeah. I study non-stop and if I get any friends, my parents make me end the friendship. They say friends are distracting", Beomgyu mumbled. 

"Your parents sound like mine"...

"You have strict parents"? Yeonjun nodded. 

"I think we could be friends but keep it a secret. What do you say"? Beomgyu looked away. He didn't want to go against his parents about having friends but they also were away and it would be a hidden friendship. He looked back at Yeonjun. 

"S-sure... Only... I don't know much about being friends... It never lasted long for me". Yeonjun smiled and leaned closer to him. Beomgyu could smell alcohol roll of him and moved back slightly. 

"That's why I'm gonna show ya, ok"? 


Good Boy Gone Bad (TxT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now