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"Baby what's wrong?" Ben asked hearing her deep breaths and she sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "Did it go badly?"

He knew the evaluation for the residency program was today. He texted her this morning because he was on his 24-hour rotation shift and she didn't answer his call. He wished her well and told her that he loved her.

"Just breathe baby." He instructed. When he heard her crying, he walked into the locker room. "Miranda I'm coming to you."

"No Ben I'm fine." She sniffled. "The evaluation was good surprisingly. I thought it was going to be a disaster, everyone was saying the wrong things, nervous, upset. It was a mess, but the advisory board member said that our surgical department is one of the best they have seen despite long hours, and hard work. The residents seem genuinely excited, and the attendings were nervous about the meeting which was good. They could tell that we work as a family. The only thing is we don't have enough surgeons. They placed the program on probation and they are giving me a few weeks to make improvements." She explained.

"How am I supposed to get surgeons in a few weeks in the middle of a global physician shortage." Miranda yelled frustrated getting overwhelmed again. "I'm doing this on my own, I don't have no help."

"Miranda, Miranda calm down. We will figure it out."

"Get this, then Meredith is leaving. She is going to Minnesota. After everything."

"Really she chooses to go now." Ben said getting upset right along with her.

"Exactly. I don't know what to do. I had a health set back." She mumbled lowly.

"What?! What happened?"

"I found out that Meredith was leaving and I yelled at her, babe I said somethings that I shouldn't have said and I need to apologize for. In the midst of that my blood pressure shot up, heart rate increased. I became lethargic, couldn't stand. I was dizzy and almost passed out. Pierce check my numbers and they are not looking good."

"Miranda." Ben said in a serious tone.

"I know, I know."

"No, no you don't know. I don't want anything to happen to you. You care about that hospital, but I care about you. You are on the road to another heart attack and I can't loose you. I will be damned if I do behind this. If you're gone and that hospital is still standing, I will burn it down and everyone in it."

"Ben." Miranda stuttered she was trying not to laugh.

"If they think Gary Clark did something behind his wife, they aint seen Ben Warren."

"Uh Benjamin."

"I mean it Miranda. I'm not playing."

"I know you're not." She stressed. "I got to figure it out, I can't let the program fail under my watch."

"It is not all on you. This is Richard's and Catherine's problem. Hell, it's their fault the program is in shambles now."

"I know. I told them the Webber method was a bad idea and Catherine wanted to please her husband so she overruled me, now look."

"What If I come and work. You can put me on rotation. " Ben suggested.

"You would do that for me?" Miranda awed.

"I would do anything for you. We're a team."

"A great team."

"I think it will be fun, it can be like old times. Us hanging out and operating together, we can do lunch, visit Pru in daycare."

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