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Miranda showered after her nap. She felt well rested and good on the inside and out. She was genuinely happy and it's crazy because she thought she was so happy in 2008 with her career, her husband and baby but that joy she had didn't compare to this one.

Ben, all the kids, and work made her life better and she didn't even know she needed that.

Miranda looked up from the bed as she buttoned her jeans up and Ben walked out of the shower with a towel around his waist.

She looked his body up and down and bit her lip. Ben caught Miranda's eyes and he smiled. Miranda always use to look at him like dessert and over the years, she was affected by him still. But this Miranda definitely reminded him of 2010 when they first had sex. She was exploring new territory and he appreciated all the attention he was getting from her.

He got attention from women all the time but he never paid them any mind. The only person who mattered was Miranda.

Miranda found a teal blouse to put on and she put her jewelry on before applying light make up.

"The boys are meeting us there?" Ben asked.

"Yeah I texted them both and after practice they are going to come. We just have to stop pass the hospital and get baby girl."

"Okay cool. I'm ready if you are?"

"Yup all done." Miranda chimed putting her lipstick down.

Ben walked with her out of the house and opened the door for her.

They arrived at the hospital and they both got out.

"Hey chief." A resident greeted.

"Hi." Miranda greeted cheerily her arm looped with Ben.

They walked to the daycare and both of them walked inside.

Miranda looked at Pru sitting at the table and she looked sad. "Hi honey." Miranda greeted walking over to her.

"Randa." Pru whined reaching for her.
Miranda lifted her up and Ben rubbed her back saying. "What's the matter?"

"Ms. Pru didn't have her listening ears on several times today."

"I'm on red." Pru cried.

"Red?" Both Ben and Miranda questioned at the same time.

"She had to move her behavior card from green to red."

"Aww Pru why weren't you listening today?" Miranda asked.

"I'm sorry about her behavior today we will talk to her. You all have a good evening." Ben told them as he caught up to Miranda and Pru.

"But baby girl you have to listen to what Ms. Parker is saying just like you listen to me and Ben." Miranda told her.

"Okay." She replied putting her head into Miranda's chest.

Miranda buckled Pru in and then they were on there way to the station.

She put Pru on her hip as she walked in. "Wow this is nice." Miranda commented.

"Thanks." Ben replied.

"You just walk right up those stairs and through that door is the kitchen and the dinning room." Ben directed. I just got to sign one thing.

Miranda nodded and slowly walked with Pru up the stairs. Hopping Ben would catch up already. She didn't want to walk into a room with all new people alone especially since she was suppose to know them but didn't.

Still she proceeded until she opened the door.

"Bailey!" Everyone cheered.

"Aww Pru." Vic exclaimed walking over with her hands out.

"No." Miranda voiced sternly her eyes widening and she turned Pru.

"Hi Auntie Vic." Pru smiled and Miranda relaxed then.

"I am so sorry. I didn't " Miranda started.

"Hey its okay. I forgot about your memory. I shouldn't have walked up on you like that." Vic acknowledged.

"Hey." Ben greeted coming into the room.

He saw everyone's face who looked cautiously.

"You okay?" Ben asked Miranda.

"She can go with you." Miranda told Vic letting Pru down.

Pru smiled and gave Victoria a hug.

Miranda turned to Ben and he pulled her into a hug, her face immediately going into his chest.

"She was trying to take my baby right out of my arms." Miranda mumbled and Ben nodded.

"I'm sorry I should have warned them and you...how about I introduce to you everyone." Ben suggested.

"Hey everyone. I would like for you all to meet my wife again. Miranda this is Victoria, but we call her Vic or Hughes. This is Travis Montgomery, Robert Sullivan, Andy Herra, Maya Bishop, Dr Carina DeLuca, Jack Gibson and Theo.

A bunch of hellos flew her way and Miranda smiled waving at them.

"So we are an open book ask us anything you want to know?" Travis voiced taking a seat.

Miranda smiled as Ben pulled her chair out and she sat down.
"Are any of you married?" Miranda questioned.

"Widowed." Travis answered."

"Almost." Vic responded.

" I was." Andy and Robert answered simultaneously and the rest shook their head no.

"Okay so how did your spouses handle your significant others’ near death experiences?" She questioned and everyone chuckled.

"What?...have I asked this before?" She questioned.

"Yes, the very first day you met us years ago." Jack responded.

"Oh." Miranda blushed before laughing.

"Most of our spouses did the same job so we were confident that our significant other knew what they were doing and were skilled. We had faith that they would come back to us unharmed." Travis answered and Ben nodded.

"Let me tell you some things about your husband that you probably don't get to see. Do you know that he flosses a concerning amount." Vic informed.

Miranda looked at Ben as he shrugged. She saw him floss his teeth in the morning and at night. So maybe he did it during the day as well. Ben had nice pretty teeth though. He had a killer smile.

"Hey to my defense most diseases and health problems start in the mouth." Ben shrugged.

"We call Ben dad because he acts like such a father here. Clean this... Make sure this is neat…blah blah blah." Vic mocked and Ben rolled his eyes as Miranda chuckled.

"Except when he goes all GQ magazine, coming out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist like he's ready to pose." Vic laughed and Miranda scrunched her face up.

"You do what?" She asked quickly turning.

"Miranda it's just the locker room and my co workers are my family."

"There are co-workers at work that I consider family too but you don't see me using the shower at work and flaunting my body around when I get out of the shower at work. You're sexy Ben Warren. We get it.
But let this be the first and last time I hear this and I'm putting this in my calendar to remember just incase I get my memory back and forget this conversation." Miranda replied pursing her lips together.

Ben wanted to laugh at Miranda but he held it in. She was a territorial person way in the beginning but she had calm down over the years because she knew that Ben was hers and wasn't going anywhere but because this relationship was so new to her now she needed to get use to the idea still of them being permanent.

"I’m sorry I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Vic put her hands up and Ben waved her off.

"I'm sorry." Ben whispered in her ear before nipping at it and rubbing her thigh.

"How sorry?" Miranda replied throwing his hand off of her thigh.

"I'm very very sorry and I love you so much." Ben responded.

"That's what I like to hear." Miranda responded.

"Hey." Both Tuck and Joey greeted.

"Hey my boys." Miranda chimed happily.

"Oh here let me help you baby girl." Miranda smiled reaching out next to her. She took a knife and began to cut the meatballs and noodles up for her.

"Then you take your spoon and do this like this.." Miranda showed Pru.

Miranda leaned into Ben after she finished eating and she looked at everyone conversing back and forth and it made her eyes water.

"You okay?" Ben questioned quietly.

"Yeah, um this is really beautiful. I never had a big family growing up. It was just me, my mom and dad and then my aunt, uncle and two cousins. When I moved to Seattle it was just me for a while and then Tucker came and then it was just us and then we added Tuck. But this. This is big and it's beautiful and it's a family and it's love. I love this. I love that I have a family with you. I never thought that I would have 3 kids buts this experience is amazing." Miranda told him wiping her eyes.

"This family is because of you. I only had my sister, my mom and dad. My mom died when I was younger. But I never had any cousins or aunts and uncles. I didn't want kids until I met you. I became a dad because of you. You added Joey to our family and opened up my heart to more. I got this life style because of you." Ben explained rubbing her face.

"Thank you." Miranda whispered.

"Thank you." Ben said in reply and she leaned in and kissed his lips.

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