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"This isn't like you." Ben commented.

"What isn't?" She questioned putting her hands on her hip.

"You know no one has ever been to our house except Jackson."

"No one ?" Miranda questioned.

"Mmm-hmm no one and now you are throwing a big dinner."

"Yeah I didn't realize that I haven't seen all of them in years and I thank you for bringing them back." Miranda smiled.

"No problem. I know that all of them share a special place in your heart."

"They do. I didn't know that I missed them but I'm assuming I did and I think it will be nice to finally have them over then. Maybe it's long over due." Miranda hunched.

"Okay I have my list and I'm going to the store. Will you be here when I get back?" Miranda questioned.

"Yeah I'm going to take baby girl to daycare, stop pass the station and then I will be home." Ben answered.

"Bye sweet heart." Miranda replied kissing Pru on the head.

"Mmmm" Ben poked his lips out.

"Oh gosh how could I ever forget you." Miranda giggled pecking him on the lips. "Bye honey" Miranda told him walking to the door.

Miranda got into her car and she drove to the grocery store. She grabbed a cart and began to put the food for tonight inside.

"Wine." Miranda said to herself as she pushed down to that aisle.

Miranda looked at the list once again and she knew needed to grab night time pull ups for Pru. She threw them into the cart and then got caught up looking at the shirts and bows. Putting everything she liked inside. She also put healthy snacks for kids inside.

Miranda's cart was getting full with all the party food and she was getting ready to move to the check out line.

"Miranda?" She heard some one call out.

Miranda turned to the voice and was met face to face with a blonde woman.

"Ben's wife." She added and Miranda nodded confused.

"I'm Ingrid Saunders." She said as if she was rejogging her memory.
"I just wanted to apologize for thanksgiving...I really had no idea that Ben was married. He never mentioned his wife." She voiced and Miranda's eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" Miranda questioned confused.

"I know it's been a while since Thanksgiving but seeing you today I realized that I should have offered you an apology. I didn't know he was married. When he asked me to the dinner. I just assumed it was a date."

"My husband asked you on a date." Miranda stated dryly.

"Yes, well not exactly. Um we were communicating for weeks and I met his son at this station...

"Me and Ben have been married for over 10 years we actually have 3 children together. I don't know what kind of communication you all were having but I'm done with this apology or what ever the hell you want to call it." Miranda gritted.

She didn't understand what was the point of apologizing. Was she trying to come to her woman to woman or what. The whole dam thing was just infuriating.

Ben was communicating for weeks with another woman. He asked her on a date and she clearly accepted. Miranda couldn't remember anything?. Did she walk in on their date. What the hell happened?

Miranda was wracking her brain the whole time she was checking out. Was he seeing her and she couldn't remember. Where they all bad terms and was he using this memory relapse as an excuse to get back with her. Is this the true reason why he was denying sex.

Miranda loaded the groceries in the car and she drove home deep in thought. She was tempted to cancel this whole dinner.

Arriving back home she got out and grabbed a couple of bags walking inside. Maybe dinner on a Friday night was too much.

"Hey baby let me help you with the bags." Ben greeted.

Miranda ignored him and walked pass him into the kitchen. She began to un bag the groceries and put them into the fridge.

Ben sat the bags on the island and he watched as Miranda began to un bag those to. She was mad about something and he wanted to know why.

"Did you find everything you needed?" Ben asked. Miranda turned from the fridge still ignoring him. She moved passed him and grabbed the other bags taking the things out.

"Miranda what's the matter?" Ben questioned and yet still she remained silent.

"So you are just going to ignore me?" Ben tried again before clicking his teeth. He walked over to her and grabbed the pasta noodles out of her hand. Setting them on the counter.

"What is the matter with you?" He asked forcefully.

"I ran into your blonde mistress today."

"Huh?" Ben questioned quickly.

"You were so busy telling me all the good stuff about our life. You failed to mention the blonde skinny woman you asked on a date and communicated everyday with." Miranda huffed.

"Miranda she's no one."

"She's no one that you asked on a date." She returned snatching her hand from out of his.

"She is a widow who lost her husband, who I rescued in a fire. She was just very grateful."

"Oh and wonder how she returned the favor." Miranda countered annoyed.

"I didn't want her to be alone on Thanksgiving so I invited her to come eat with all of us. She didn't have any family. No more no less."

"No more no less but she thought it was a date."

"Wow I didn't argue with my real wife when it happened as much as I am arguing with you about this."

"What the hell do you mean by real wife? Memory or no memory. I'm your dam wife."

"Bad choice of words he responded...look Ingrid took my kindness the wrong way and that was out of my control. I never crossed the line with her verbally or physically and that's the God honest truth."

Miranda paused and pursed her lips at him.

"I want my "real" wife back because the Miranda that I know would have never thought other wise or even had to question my loyalty to her." Ben huffed walking off.

"Ben." Miranda called after him. She decided to let him go but she felt really bad.

This was just so knew to her. She was in the dating stage but he was well in to the marriage stage of their life.

Miranda started prepping the food for this evening and she kept waiting for Ben to come back out but he never did.

She tried to busy her self by cleaning up everything and making sure everything was good.

She then sat on the couch and watched a little TV feeling really bad. Miranda sighed and got up getting ready to walk to their bedroom but Ben was already out of the door.

"I'm going to pick up Pru." He announced and Miranda nodded as he walked by her.

Miranda walked into the kitchen. She put together the fancy meats and cheese tray and pulled out wine glasses.

She then began to make a huge lasagna as soon as that was in the oven Miranda heard the door open up.

"I home randa."

"Yes you are." Miranda chimed as she pulled her into a hug.

"What can I do to help?" Ben asked taking his jacket off.

"The lasagna is in oven now. I just need to cut up the things for the salad but I would love it if you make the garlic bread from scratch like you do."

Ben nodded and walked to go wash his hands.

Miranda stood in the kitchen and she cut up everything to inside of the big salad, it was still silent and Miranda hated that.

"Um I'm going to change my clothes and get ready. You know surgeons are always 20 to 30 minutes early." Miranda informed.

And just like Miranda said everyone was showing up at their door.

"Hi come on in." Ben ushered to Callie and Arizona.

"The wine glasses and wine is on the table and help your self to the appetizers." Ben smiled.

Miranda came down stairs in a jean dress and Ben looked her up and down. Miranda caught his eyes and they stared at each other for a while. She wished she could take him up stairs to talk and apologize to him.

Ben turned back to everyone in the living room and Miranda sighed lowly.

Alex and Izzie came through the door and Miranda smiled leading them inside. "Pru is in her room and I can take them up stairs with her for a while before dinner."

Just as Miranda finished her sentence Teddy and Owen knocked on the door.

Miranda held the twins hands and ushered them inside. "Hey." Miranda greeted.

"Hi Bailey." Teddy and Owen said simultaneously.

"Hi Bailey." Leo chimed.

"Hi Leo." Miranda voiced ultimately hoping she had his name right. She was trying to remember all these kids.

Miranda lead the kids up to Pru's room and she opened the door to find Pru drawing on her drawing board.

"You have some visitors baby girl." Miranda announced.

"Hi." Pru called out to them.

After Pru showed Miranda her drawing Miranda walked back down stairs and she sat on the couch beside Ben.

Everyone talked and laughed before sitting in the dinning room for dinner. She actually enjoyed this dinner so much.

After everyone left. Ben and Miranda were silent cleaning up everything.

"I'm going to bath Pru and get her ready for bed." Ben announced walking to the back.

Miranda cleaned up and walked to their room to shower.

After her shower she wrapped a towel around her body and walked into their bedroom to see Ben sitting on the bed.

"Benjamin I'm so sorry." She apologized and Ben nodded his head.

"Come on and talk to me Ben. You really can't expect me to not be mad and question you. I have no memory and a woman thought enough to approach me in the store and tell me that my husband asked her on a date...if you were placed in my shoes you would have asked too." Miranda huffed.

Miranda came and sat beside him on the bed. "I know I'm not your "real" wife." She voiced making quotations marks.

"Miranda you are my real wife. I shouldn't have use those words." Ben replied.

"But that's how you feel. I'm not your real wife. I don't have any memories of us from 10 years ago or even months ago. I don't remember our life together and what we went through." Miranda voiced tearing up.

"But I'm trying. I want to be your wife and create more memories with you because this month and a half has meant the word to me. I really like you. You give me this feeling that I never ever felt before. You make my stomach feel like it has a thousand butterflies and this tingle goes down my spin. I smile all day thinking about you and I'm grateful for the family we have. This what we have brings me joy and I don't want that to go away." Miranda cried as she explained her feelings to him.

Ben turned and he cupped her face wiping her tears. "I love you Miranda and that feeling you have won't ever go away. I was upset earlier but I honestly could care less about your memory ever coming back. We will make new memories until we take our last breath and I want to take my last breath being your husband memories or not." Ben stated passionately.

Miranda nodded with a small smile before leaning in and kissing his lips.

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