Chapter 3-Fight

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Adeline stalked slowly through the hallway, knowing that the female officer was watching her out of the corner of her eyes. As they passed by a window with too many bars to get past, she sighed with longing and lingered there as long as she could. It hadn't even been a whole day in this wretched place and she already missed the freedom of the cold air. If the police knew about all the crimes that she had committed, and they probably did, then she would be here for her whole life! Adeline shivered, knowing that no one would even miss her, "the poor orphan".

Suddenly, as Adeline was lost in her train of thought, her little mouse decided to give a small squeak. The female officer-Adeline was really going to have to figure out her name-looked down and gave Adeline the most suspicious look she had ever seen. "What was that?" the female officer ordered. "Nothing," Adeline said, holding her breath. Fortunately, the female officer let her go, even though Adeline's voice had cracked a bit when she answered. Unfortunately, though, she stopped in front of what seemed like a nice, normal door, even though Adeline suspected that whoever or whatever was behind that door wasn't very nice.

Adeline's escort pushed a small red button next to the door, and then pushed it open. Greeting them was a man in a hideously flashy black suit, typing on one of the newest phones out, which seemed to be imbedded with fake diamonds. Adeline hid her laugh behind a cough, she was already in enough trouble as it is. She looked around the room, and spotted another figure lounging on the leather couches, sneering right at her. Of course! she thought to herself. Of course Aurelius Junkin would be here! A few minutes later, the guy looked up from his phone and looked at Adeline appraisingly. Adeline felt like a piece of meat, and had to repress the urge to punch the guy in the face. "Is this the one we were talking about before, Mr. Jenkins? If so, she'll be a great competitor in the Games." the man said, peeking a few glances at his phone now and then. "Yes Mr. Dias. This is Adeline Chrome. She's an orphan, no one will miss her. She's skilled at fighting, from what recent reports have said. And I'm sure she wouldn't mind sacrificing something for the good of her beloved town." Aurelius replied, making sure to put an emphasis on beloved.

After a few more minutes of Adeline being left in the dark and the two men talking like she wasn't there, she was led into another room. This room was about the same size as the other room, only it didn't have fancy couches or elegant light fixtures. No, the only things in this room was a large blue mat and another boy a few years older than Adeline who looked about as confused as she did. Aurelius walked onto the center of the mat and simply said, "Fight like you mean it and the winner will be sent away scott free." Adeline should have figured that this boy was a criminal like her. But she hadn't expected being able to go free, and certainly not by Aurelius, the guy who hated her. What is going on he.. She didn't get to finish her train of thought because the boy was suddenly rushing at her. He obviously didn't see anything wrong with this situation. Instinct took in, and she flung her right hand up into a fist, which hit the boy in the side. He stumbled a bit, and she tried to take that for her advantage but the boy was stronger than he looked. She was able to get a few punches in, but she was barely leaving a mark on him because she was too busy defending herself against his blows. But then the fight turned to her advantage. The boy tripped on one of the edges of the mat, and Adeline called on some reserve energy that was hidden inside her and punched him hard, very hard, in the face. He fell down and stopped moving. Oh my god, please don't let me have killed him, oh please oh please oh please.

Adeline could deal with stealing, stealing was okay, and she didn't hurt anybody. She would never be able to deal with killing somebody. She kneeled down quickly and checked his pulse. He was alive! As she struggled to get over her elation, she heard someone clapping quietly in the back of the room. She jumped up again, not trusting either of them to not send another person in that she had to fight. "Congratulations, Miss. Chrome. You have been chosen for the Games."

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