Chapter 25 - Kidnapped

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When I finished my tale, the others were looking at me with a mixture of shock, anger and pity

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When I finished my tale, the others were looking at me with a mixture of shock, anger and pity. I let go of the reins of conversation, praying someone would pick them up and set a new course before it ran off altogether.

"You have got to be kidding me," Rana snapped, crossing her arms.

"I'm afraid I'm quite serious," I said, keeping my head high despite the crushing weight of her disapproval. "It doesn't make sense for you to risk your life in the Thornwood when I can tackle things diplomatically from within the Blood Moon Pack. Think of all the information I'd have at my disposal," I said, even as my stomach churned at the thought of going back. It reminded me all too clearly of the nausea that had plagued my every waking hour growing up. "I can find out what happened to your brother, Rana."

The stars in her midnight eyes guttered. She opened her mouth to speak and closed it shortly after, battling with the temptation I'd ruthlessly dangled before her.

I felt sick to my stomach for manipulating her in this way, for making a promise I didn't even know if I could keep. It was a necessary evil, though, to keep all of my new friends out of harm's way. "You have to admit it makes sense," I said, pushing the advantage. "I just need one of you to take Eddy home on my behalf. Can I trust you to look after her when I'm gone?"

"I mean, of course," Rana stammered, visibly flustered. "But..."

She trailed off, at a loss for words. It was the first time I'd seen her stumped for an answer to anything.

The Wraith chose that moment to enter the fray, hackles rising as he slunk into our little circle. Somehow, as his wolfish features shrank into those of a human, his aura of violence only intensified.

"Don't tell me you agree with her," he snarled, upper lip curling back from his teeth. When Rana turned her nose up at the accusation, he turned to Gretchen, evidently hoping she would talk his brand of sense into the wyvern.

The witch merely shrugged. "It is a logical course of action. If the Blood Moon Alpha truly is dead and Hunter inherits the throne upon his return, Red may well be able to instigate lasting change through their partnership. It would also spare us a perilous journey into the Thornwood with no guarantee of finding the messenger."

"Us?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"That is what I came out here to discuss with the Earth Mother," Gretchen said, suddenly very interested in her cuticles. "She seemed to be of the mind that I should go with you. But I have guarded and nurtured this sacred place for two centuries, and I will not give it up lightly. Besides, someone has to water the tomato vines," she muttered, as an afterthought.

Sebastian scowled at her answer, turning to face me instead. "Answer me this, Red: were you happy there?"

A poignant chord rang out in my chest, reverberating through every inch of my being. "No," I realised aloud. The relief I'd found in Brollo's stories was not truly joy; it was an escape from a bitter reality. "But I --"

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