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It was pitch black. We were in the middle of the tunnel. Oh my god! Where is AJ! I put my hands out and tried to find her. I grabbed someones shoulder.

"Get the fuck off me!" AJ shouted pushing me off.

"AJ! It's me!" I said getting up.

"Oh sorry Alex." She said grabbing my arm.

"It's okay." I said grabbing her arm.

We walked over to the light. I couldn't see who it was. All I saw was someone with a black hood on. I walked over and grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey! Get the......Micheal?" I said pulling him up.

"Alex! Is AJ with you?" Micheal asked standing up.

"Yeah......Are you in the Distraction?!" I said pushing him.

"Hey Alex. Who is.........MICHEAL!" AJ shouted.

"Ummm......Come with me, now." He said grabbing my hand.

"Where are we going. We have to get Ginger." I said pulling him back.

"They told me to get ya'll. I'll see if we can get her. Now we have to go!" Micheal said pulling me.

We jumped off the train and started running. Well I was going to take a test today. I guess not. We are all suppose to take the test. Shit! their going to try to find us. My mom! She's going to go crazy. AJ parents won't care. AJ never home. Mom going to call the Leaders!

"Micheal! Why do we have to go now?" I said stopping.

"They will come, Alex." Micheal said stopping.

"Who's they?" I asked

"The Leaders." He said grabbing my hand and push in the door.

"Okay. What now? Micheal! we are fucking lost! Apparently we are joining the Distraction and your apart of it." AJ shouted.

She was pissed. She didn't take it easily. Well I'm just confused. I was first just going to get Ginger and now I'm joining the Distraction. I signed. This is too much to take in. Micheal look at me. He pushed open the door and pulled us in.

"Okay. Now we can rest here." Micheal said sliding down the wall.

"So....What do we do now?" I said sitting down on the wet floor.

"Well I'm taking a nap. I was supposed to take "The Test" today but that didn't happen so nap time." AJ said sitting he coat on the floor.

"Okay. I'll watch." Micheal said with a sigh.

I looked at him. Damn! He's really cute. He had wave brown hair with greenish blueish eyes. He was tall and would always wear converses. I knew him because he was my best friend. We have been friends since the 3rd grade. But that was when I thought guys had cooties. I'm grown up. This isn't a laughing matter though. I knew something was up because I hadn't seen him sinces before this hell hole started. He told me he would be back for me. I thought he was being stupid but I guess not. He came back for me.

I looked at him. He looked at me. I got nervous for a minute. He looked back to the door.

"I promised I would come back for you." He said looking at me with a grin.

"Yeah. It's kinda like a romantic movie or something." I laughed.

He leaned his head back and had a little smile on his face.

"Well, sorry I couldn't tell you earlier." Micheal said softly.

"It's okay." I said calmly.

He got up and sat right next to me. I looked at him. Still perfect.

"Burr.." I said cold with my arms rapped around me.

"Are you cold." He said concerned.

"A little." I said quietly.

He took off his jacket and put it over me. He put he arm around me. I could feel the warmth of his arm on my neck. He slowly pushed my head down to his shoulder and stopped.

"Perfect." He said looking at me.

"Yeah. Isn't it." I said.

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