"Micheal!" I yell confused.
I look at the tubes in my arms. I started pulling them out. Than Micheal ran in and stopped me.
"Why the hell did you stop me?" I said mad.
"Alex...You need to stay in here. Their going to do some tests on you to see if you capable to go to the new stop that we might put you in." He said putting the tubes back in.
"Umm...is this going to hurt me?" I asked looking into his eyes.
"No. Just wait. You'll see." He said walking out.
"Okay." I said quietly.
I watched him walk out. I looked into the mirror. I saw that I had some thing on my head. What the hell is that?! I thought to myself.
"Alex. I need you to relax and close your eyes. Everything will be okay." The women said.
It was coming from the speakers on the walls. I nodded.
I took a deep breathe. I looked around. Fuck it. I thought. I closed my eyes.
I felt a sting on my arm. I sat up and opened my eyes. What the.....
I was in a glass box. I pushed myself up. I could see my reflection in the mirror. There was no tubes in me and the thing on my head was gone. I walked up to the glass and pushed my hand on it.
"Hello?" I yelled.
"It's useless." A women said.
"Mom?" I question myself.
"Shut up. You're not my daughter. You are a piece of shit I shouldn't have HAD!"
She got up to the glass. She smirked. I kept my face straight. This isn't really. I walked back.
"Come on bitch. I know that you can't fight me. You are a useless little bitch. Micheal doesn't love you. You....." Mom said.
"You love me Alex." John said walking up beside her. He had a smirk on his face.
"What the hell." I whispered to myself.
"Alex. You will be mine. I will get you one day. I will take you. Oh! I will kill MICHEAL! HE WILL FEEL IT TOO! I WILL MAKE HIM FEEL THE PAIN THAT YOU SHOULD DESERVE! THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO LOVE ME ALEX!!!" He yelled smashing his fist on the glass.
My mom just laughed. Then they both start laughing. I hit the glass behind me. I got mad!
I started running to the glass. When I hit the glass it breaks. I fall on the ground. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a field. I push myself up. What is happening right now?
I turn around and saw Micheal. He was tied up in a chair. I started running to him when I heard a gun shot. Oh my god.
"MICHEAL!!!!!" I scream.
I started to run. I slammed into a glass wall. I looked in and saw AJ and Ginger tied up in chairs.
Their crying their eyes out.
"ALEX!!!! HELP PLEASE!!!" They scream at me.
I started slamming my fist into the glass. I screamed. Bang! Bang! I hear. I started hitting the glass harder.
Than I fell the sting in my arm again. I fall back and lay on the ground.
I started to get dizzy. I tried to move but I couldn't. I gave up and closed my eyes.
I open my eyes and sit up as fast as I could. MICHEAL!!!