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I tried to move but I couldn't. I was tied up. I tried and tried but couldn't get out.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed seeing if someone would come help me.

It didn't work. I knew if I tried again they won't help me. This was one of their test. I looked around an saw nothing. What would Micheal do now? What if Micheal is watching me now? Being forced to watch me struggle and scream know he couldn't help. I looked at my hand. It had a note in it. I started moving around and got my and free. I looked at the note.

Alex, find me. Love, Micheal. <3

I dropped the note. I started undoing the rope on my other hand. My heart is racing. The only thing I could think about is Micheal. Micheal be okay. Please be okay. That's all I could tell myself. I finally got my hands lose and I slipped my hand out. I start untying the rope on my legs. I felt a sharp pain on me back.

"Ahh!" I scream.

I looked behind me saw John. The had the biggest smirk on his face. He tighten his fist. I fell backwards. Bang! I look to the door and saw Micheal bust in. He grabbed me and ran. I could believe what's happening right now. John is here. He's going to kill me........and Micheal. I started to get dizzy just thinking about all of this. I started this didn't I.
We ran into our room. He grabbed me and looked into my eyes. I could tell he was seeing if I was okay but to be honest I wasn't. He moves my hair to the side.
"Did he hurt you?" Michael asked me.
" I'm fine.  I promise." I said with a little smile.

Michael p.o.v
If John did something to her his a dead man. I tighten my fist. Our eyes locked with each other. Her beautiful green and blue eyes had a sparkle in them. I grabbed her hand and held it. Her hands were cold.
"Michael, what happened when I was out?" She asked slowly.
"I don't really know. I don't know how John got in here. But your safe now. I wouldn't let him hurt you or touch you again." I said pulling her in closer.
I wrapped my arms around her. I love her. More than anything in the world. She the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm not losing that.

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