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I make my way out of my house and to the car, the same way I've done every day. My wound is healed a little now, only hurting if I push myself too hard. As soon as I get into the car the driver knows where to go "We will be there in 10 minutes sir." I don't say anything. I dreamt about her again last night, it bothers me to my core that I don't know her yet. My phone rings and I check to see who it is "Please text me, I miss your body. XX-Emily" I breathe out slowly, clearing the notification from her again. As soon as we make it up the street Danny send me a message "You forgot the paperwork. Stay where you are, I will bring it to you." I let the driver know to pull over at the next light so I can get what I need for the board meeting "Yes, sir." I lean my head back on the head rest. The hazard lights start clicking and there's a honk behind us, lifting my head I see a white Toyota without tinted windows "Pull over to the side more, you're blocking the damn intersection!" I roll the window down and she passes "My apologizes!" I look out the window, her eyes meet mine and I know it's her "Get those plates. Now!" I step out of the car and yell the plate number to my driver "GT26FE" he hands me the paper and I send the plate over to the data analyst. I put my phone down on the seat and Danny makes it to the car, handing me the paperwork "Here, these are all the notes you will need. They are all in order so, good luck." He pats me on the shoulder and exits the car. The driver continues to the house where the meeting is being held. Getting out he closes the door behind me and I turn "Keep the car running I will not be long." He nods and gets back in the car, parking. I walk into the house and get patted down by the bodyguards at the door "Clear." I walk past them and to the makeshift boardroom "Morning gentlemen." I take my fathers old seat "Arny, I am sure you are aware the meaning behind this meeting." My fathers old bankers are all sitting in-front of me "To discuss my fathers money. I will need it all taken out of the bank and put into a different account." I have James hand them each a folder with the new bank information "Arny, your fathers money is gone." One of the investors speaks up "Gone? What do you mean, gone!" I look him in the eyes and he cowers "There is a freeze on his bank, the money that was in the stock markets are gone." I lean back in my chair "Well, my father trusted you crooks with his money, find it and return it to the Parsons family. If there is an issue with doing so..." I snap my fingers twice and another folder is handed to each of them ".. I will make sure a copy of this gets sent out to your business partners, family members etc. do I make myself clear enough?" I stand from my seat as they open the new folder in-front of them. A gasp escapes one of their mouths "This is blackmail!" One yells out "And what you are doing, thievery! I will ask again and do not make me repeat myself. Are we clear?" The each take turns nodding their heads "Great! It was not that great seeing any of you. Have a great day." I button my suit jacket again and walk out of the boardroom, the car is waiting at the front door "Sir." The driver opens my door and I get in. I pick up my phone that was still on the seat and check the notifications before James gets in the car. Two notifications, the first one is from Emily again and it get cleared. The other is from my data analyst "Jade; age 23, 5'7, she lives alone. Her family is not in Miami she moved here alone to start over. She has recently broken up with her boyfriend Isaac; age 26, 6'3. They dated for 3 years before she found out he was cheating the whole time. She works at a restaurant downtown called 'Le Dine', she's going to be there tonight." For some reason I start to get angry, angry over the thought of someone hurting her. I lean my head back against the head rest again, a few minutes later James is in the passenger seat and we are headed off. I send the driver the location and rest my eyes, the stress of the meeting is too much. What seems like a few minutes later the car stops "We are here sir." I look out the window. The restaurant looks nice from the outside "Great, lets go eat." I get out of the car and make my way inside "Welcome in, is this for dine in or take out?" I approach the guy at the desk "Dine in, can we get the section she's working in?" I point at Jade, she's smiling at the guests and my heart jumps 'I want to be the one she smiles at. I want to hear her voice, in my ear whispering sweet nothings. In my bed.."I stop myself from finishing the thought "One moment." The kid runs to the back where she just went into and a few minutes later he's jogging back out "Right this way please." He leads us to a booth against the wall "Is this a good table for you?" He sets the menus down "Yes, thank you." I smile at him and take my seat. James does the same, sitting the opposite side of me "She will be with you in a minute." He smiles and walks away. I look down at the menus "Sir, we really shouldn't be here." I ignore James. Jade just walked out with the drinks for the other table. Her smile is so captivating "Then you aren't wanting anything?" I look back down at my menu "No, I will just sit here." James sets down his phone on the table and starts to look around the place. I study the menu and give her some time to come over to me "All clear?" I say sarcastically "Yes, sir." James nods, somehow missing my sarcasm. Looking back out I can see her walking towards me not looking up from her notepad. 'God I wish she would walk slower, teasing me with her body' I move in my seat to clear my mind and hide my erection "Welcome in, my name i-" she look up at me finally and I can't get this stupid smile off my face. Her voice isn't soft, it's deep and can be so sensual if she allowed it. Her lips are just like I pictured and her eyes are beautiful and brown. She looks down and grabs her notepad "Sorry. Welcome in, my name is Jade. Serving you I will be today." I chuckle at her stumble, "Well, Jade. It's nice to meet you, can I just get a glass of water?" I notice her eyes travel to James in the corner "Nothing for him, he's on duty." I wink at her and notice a tint of red on her nose "Okay, I will be right back with your water." She turns to walk away and I have the sudden urge to make sure she knows my name "Arny, my name is Arny." She turns back to me and that damn smile appears on my lips again "I will be back with your drink sir." She turns too fast tripping over her foot but not falling to the floor. I look away trying not to rush over and make sure she's okay "Clumsy one isn't she?" James speaks from the corner and I chuckle "She seems to be." A few minutes pass and I'm engrossed in my phone "Here's your water." I look up and I am immediately disappointed. I smile anyways not wanting to hurt anyones feeling "Thank you, where is Jade?" I ask taking a sip of the ice cold water "Oh, she uh has a lot of customers and asked me to cover for her. I am Fran." I look past Fran and around the empty restaurant 'I probably scared her away...' I see her helping an elderly couple and smile to myself "Fran right? Can you get me a soup." I look up at her, her eyes are exploding with excitement. I can tell she's not really paying attention to what I'm saying "Yeah, I can do that." She twirls a stand of her hair around her finger. If I wanted to I could take her into the bathroom and fuck her until she squirts all over me, but I won't. She walks away disappointed "Now she's damn sexy." James says watching Fran walk away "All you my guy." I say looking back down at my phone. I impatiently wait for Jade to come back to the table with my food. Thinking she may have forgotten about me I get up from the table and head over to the bathroom. I stop in my tracks as I look at her, she looks irritated with her eyebrows furrowed. What I would give to smooth that crease for her. I notice she has not noticed me yet and she is about to collide with me, I chuckle to myself. As soon as her body is against mine I want her and I mean bad! "Oh my god, I am s-" she freezes as the realization hits her, I smile at her as she stairs into my eyes seeming to lose her train of thought "-orry". I can hear her take a deep breathe 'At least I know I can affect her.' My arms still wrapped around her she notices and pulls away from me, my arms drop to my sides and my hands slide into my pockets "Please, don't apologize. It's nothing I didn't enjoy." I smile at her and her pupils dilate more as her face turns pink "Sorry, I was not paying attention." She tears her eyes away from mine and down at the floor, she rushes past me and back to her nook 'Damn!' I scratch the back of my head and continue to the bathroom. "You need to have more self control." I look myself in the mirror, trying to control myself. I take deep breaths in and let them out slowly, finally calm I walk back out to my table. I see her rush back out to the family at the table in-front of me. I watch the way she interacts with them, making them seem like long time friends of hers 'Are they?' I can tell she's seen me starting at her, I let out a low laugh and look back down at my menu. I notice her walking away from the table and I don't know what comes over me but I follow her "Excuse me, Jade?" She turns to face me with her big beautiful brown eyes "Yes?" I get closer to her, almost crashing into her "Why haven't you checked on me yet?" She looks everywhere but at me "Sorry, I am not serving your table." I step closer to her and she steps back, closer to the wall "But you were, and I specifically asked for you. Did I upset you?" Trying to stop myself from touching her I put my hands in my pockets but step closer again. She steps back bumping into the wall behind her "No, no. My friend wanted that table so I let her have it." I nod "So, you gave me away to someone else?" I smile hoping she can tell I'm joking "I wouldn't say that.." she makes the mistake of looking up at me 'Gotcha..' "Then what would you say? I want you." I smile more mischievously "Yes, sir. I will be over to assist you shortly." I take a step towards her "I like that, you seem..." I can't stop myself, I reach out and brush a strand of her hair out of her face "obedient." My jaw clenched, I stop myself from kissing her. She slides out of my path and I let go of her hair "I will be right there." She says not facing me again. I make my way back to the table "We can leave now." We get up from the table and I leave her a nice tip. I hesitate for a second, but I leave before she comes back out 'I need her to want me...' I get into the car and head back to the house.

Arny ~Birlap (smut)- 365 days of BirlapWhere stories live. Discover now