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Rafe puts on his traditional all black suit and we get out stuff together to leave for the restaurant. Rafe opens my door for me and then goes round to the drivers seat.He placed his hand on my thigh as he drives. Not long after we arrive to this fancy all white restaurant.
"Rafe this is beautiful" i say with a smile on my face.
"Like you, now come on darling" he says guiding me with his hand on my lower back.

We enter the restaurant and a skinny blonde girl comes over to serve us.
She gives rafe a smirk and winks at him but he didn't even look at her once he was staring into my eyes switching to the menu then back to me as he says his order. she asks me my order and i glare at her while sternly saying my order. She goes to leave as rafe calls.
"Excuse me" without even looking at her.She came back over.
"Yes"she said with a smirk all excited. He didn't even look at her so i dont know why she thinks she's getting somewhere with him.
"Go get me and my WIFE a bottle of champagne please" As he smiles at me.
He really made the word wife clear as day.
She sighs, grabs the bottle, places it on the table

15 mins later

"Here is your food, enjoy" the waiter smiles and walks away. We start eating and all of a sudden i get a call, i put it on silent and enjoy my dinner date with rafe. As we leave i check my phone to see 20+ missed calls.
"shit" i mutter
rafe looks concerned, "whats wrong love"
"my mom rang me 20+ times, let me call her"
I begin to call her and she answers straight away.
"Ella its your dad get to the hospital now please!!!!" she cries and puts the phone down.

Im completely lost for words. i turn to rafe with tears in my eyes "take me to the hospital now please" he nods and puts his hand on my thigh and drove really fast to the hospital.

We approach the hospital, my heart filled with ache and worry. I think Rafe could sense it since he was trying his best to comfort me but i couldnt relax till i saw my father. I jump out the car and run into the hospital with rafe running behind me.

I burst through room 205 of the hospital to see my father lay there hooked up to multiple machines and a drip. Tears begin to form as my mom rubs my back.
"He crashed while on his way home from work honey" Me and my mom cry ever so silently.

A nurse comes in with news thar he will be okay and a slight weight was lifted from my heart.
"Im going to get rafe, he's taking a long time and dad will want to see him too" i wipe my tears.
"okay honey" my mom smiles.
Im walking down the long corridor of room after room towards the stairs, just when i was snatched from my path. One hand around my waist, one around my mouth.
i scream in hopes someone would hear me but no one came to my rescue.

𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯:
i walked up the stairs and heard a suspicious sounding scream so i go check it out since there wad barely anyone on this floor. No one there.
Other than Ellas mother stood by the door waiting but as i look round the corner, Ella is not there.
"Kathrine, where is she?" i ask.
"Well she went to find you, shes not with you?" kathrine looks worried.
"Im on it ill find her right now" i storm out of the room and glance towards the Giant windows to my left and see a girl being violently thrown i to a blacked out van by the back of the hospital. vermilion dress? v cut and slits.
I basically fly down the stairs and find the closest mode of transport. A guy was standing next to his Black Panigale 899 and offered to let me lend it. I quickly write him a check for $40,000 and took the keys. I raced off after the blacked out van but there was a-lot of traffic and it was getting dark. This wouldn't stop me from getting back my baby.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯
Disorientated. I lay there with a busted lip. My eye feeling bruised and a cut across my cheek. I felt the unbearable burn from my wounds as the fuzzy looking people laughed at me. All i could think about was My mom, dad and rafe.
"You think you can take him from me?" it sounded like a girl, she was laughing.
i groaned at the pain.
"fucking delusional" they laugh and move towards the front seat.
"Fuck Lacey hes on us. Hes coming lacey we are dead!" said a males voice full of panick.
Thank god. I pass out once again.

𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯
Im now tailing onto the van, i pull out my gun and fire at the back left tire. Then the Right. The van was now dragging and driving recklessley.
I managed to move to the left side of the van and pop the left tire. Then the right from the front. The van slowly came to a halt.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯
*2 gunshots*
I jump at the loud noise and the male and female broke out into panick. "We are dead!!"
"Hes going to kill us" they worry.
"i get the strength to move onto my knees so i can attempt to stand up and hit one of them with the crowbar next to me. I begin to stand and as i do. Another gunshot. And another.

We came to a halt. I grab the crow bar and take it across Lacey's face. Blood. She then passed out.
I was trying to unlock the back of the van when it swung open as rafe forcefully pulled one of the doors off the rear end of the van. Rafe leans down towards me.
"Hang on baby" he walks past lacey and boots her head towards the wall of the van and scoffs. Then continues to walk towards the man and grips him by the collar. He shoves the gun in his mouth and cocks it back.

"Your getting off lucky, leave my fucking wife alone otherwise you will die a slow and painful death. Understand?"
The guy frantically nods while sobbing.
"Now go apologise to my wife" He throws the man towards me as he begs for forgiveness on his knees. I shove my heel into his Face and cut his cheek like he did mine. Rafe grabbed me and carried me out to the cycle and we rode back to the hospital.

I was seen to for my cuts and wounds and i apologised to my mother for the absence and inconvenience. She was upset but i told her to stay with dad and try to rest as i wanted to go home. Rafe called the chauffeur and within 5 minutes he was here. We get in, his hand to my thigh and enjoy the quiet ride home as my head rests on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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