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". . . You know you don't have to lurk in the shadows, 'cause that's kinda creepy" Devin spoke up

She turned around, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at the Egyptian God of the Moon, who was standing in the corner of her living room,

"Marc will be leaving soon" he informed "he needs to retrieve the scarab"

". . Okay?" shrugging slightly

"I thought you would like to be informed" his head tilting slightly "you care for him and the worm"

Devin didn't respond, which proved that he was correct, looking down at the floor for a moment and letting out a small sigh through her nose, thinking about her next words for a moment,

". . Why can I see you?" looking back at him

"I don't know" he replied "no one but the avatars have the ability to see us"

"Mm-hmm" she hummed, not really believing him ". . . Steven and Marc are one of the few good things that have happened to me. Do me a favor, don't get them killed"

"I give you my word, little moon" giving her a small nod

With that said, he disappeared from her sight, another small sigh emitting from her nose. She knew Khonshu needed Marc to do the things he couldn't do, but she didn't know anything about a scarab or the specifics of what he did, but what she said had been true.

". . Why the hell did he call me that?" her eyebrows furrowing slightly

Devin shook her head slightly, turning around and walking back into her kitchen, uncrossing her arms as she continued to make a cup of celestial tea, adding the amount of sugar she wanted. Stirring the contents, she gently tapped the spoon on the rim of the glass, grasping the handle of the mug and walking back over to the living room, running a finger on the birds head as she passed, who she had named Luna on account of the color of her feathers, which seemed to be as white as the moon. Her leg was healing nicely, she would only need a few more days until it was completely better, and again, Devin had all the time in the world to make sure it was okay. It was an uneventful day, which she was okay with, there was nothing for her to do that had a deadline, so she decided to read one of her favorite books, which Steven had gotten a copy of for himself, wanting to read books about other things rather than all of the Egyptian Mythology.

Unknown to Devin, he also wanted to talk about something other than the Egyptian Mythology, and he wanted to talk about the things she liked. She pushed up her glasses, setting her mug on the coffee table and picking up her book and opening it on the page she had left off. Tucking her feet under her legs, she got more comfortable, leaning against the arm of the sofa as she turned the page, her eyes trailing over the words, taking her time with it even though she's read it multiple times before. Her hand absentmindedly fiddled with the crescent moon on her black choker, a necklace she had always worn since she was a nine. Devin and her father were walking around a thrift shop, something that she had enjoyed doing, and there were all kinds of good things there. She had been looking for a present for Axel, who had liked old things that he could fix, but she saw the necklace dangling on a hook, surrounded by other broken jewelry.

When she grabbed the necklace, it was snatched from her hand by a man and she was pushed away, and her father had seen the whole thing. Protecting his little girl and giving her the necklace, happily buying it for her, as well as the gift for her brother. When she put the necklace on for the first time, the magnetic clasp fell off, and the velvet strap had somehow sewn itself to where the necklace couldn't be removed. Her mother couldn't even remove it, breaking seven pairs of scissors in an attempt to, being forced to make an acception in letting her wear it. Devin wore that necklace every single day and every single night, and since she couldn't remove it, she had no choice but to shower with it as well. A small sigh emitted from her nose, moving a lock of her ombre hair away from her face, then turning the page in her book once more, keeping her eyes on the words as she leaned forward slightly, grabbing her mug and taking a sip of her tea.

But the sound of her phone vibrating had caused her to pause her reading, grabbing her phone, seeing that she was getting a Facetime notification, rolling her eyes slightly as she answered it. A smile formed on her lips when she saw everyone trying to get in the frame, arguing over one another, some pushing the other out of the way, Devin slightly raising an eyebrow,

"Devin!" Clint exclaimed

"We miss you!" Stark yelled

"Knock it off!" Steve exclaimed, going into father figure mode

The phone on their end was suddenly snatched away, a chuckle emitting from Devin when Wanda appeared on the other side of the screen,

"Get back here!" Stark yelled, chasing after her

Devin closed her book, setting it on the coffee table as the phone was snatched away again, Bucky appearing on the other side, giving Devin a charming smile, the woman slightly shaking her head in amusement.

"Hiya, doll" Bucky said

"Give me that" Wanda muttered, taking the phone back, looking at Devin "I'm putting you in my pocket for a sec"

The screen suddenly went dark, but neither of them had hung up the phone, indistinct shouts coming from the speaker, before all of the noise faded a few seconds later. Wanda took the phone from her pocket, giving Devin a smile,

"Sounds like a grand time on your end" Devin commented

"It was my idea to call" she replied "how are you?"

"I'm doing good, actually" her smile growing slightly

"Nat told me about this guy yore seeing" eager to know, causing a small groan to emit from Devin, dropping her head

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