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Devin walked around the busy streets of Cairo, the weather was scorching, but she found it oddly comforting, even excited to see all of the stars that the night had to offer. As she told Layla, whenever Devin was in Cairo, it was always on business, her father wanting to scout for places that he thought had a lot of potential, buying them, renovating them to fit the culture of the city, hiring and firing people and eventually making a lot more money for the company. Devin's job was a translator, which is pretty much self explanatory, often ignoring the looks she received from older men, or their flirtations, which she found disgusting. In the end, they would always lose their business. As Devin walked around the streets, she had made sure to dress accordingly as to not draw too much attention to herself, even though it was obvious that she was new in town due to her light colored skin and ombre hair, eating an ice cream cone as she looked around at all of the buildings – the ice cream long gone and now eating the cone.

But her eyebrows furrowed slightly when she saw a figure jumping on a roof, running across it and jumping on the one next to it. She always noticed the little things she thought were out of place, seeing that no one else noticed what was happening, or they just didn't care. Getting into trouble in Cairo wouldn't be a very good idea, but she wanted to see what was happening, following the figure on the floor, and finishing the cone at the same time. She ran through the streets, finding a narrow space in between two buildings, deciding to use it to her advantage and climb up with ease. An older woman gave her a confused look, only to have Devin smile and wave slightly, running across the roof and jumping to another, landing with ease as well. She also had a smart idea on the plane, tying a strap to her glasses and putting it around her head, hiding it under her hair so her glasses wouldn't fall off, not really having the time to order new contact lenses. Her boots lightly thumped against the floor, jumping high in the air and landing on another roof, quickly catching up to the figure but hiding behind a large object.

"Oh, shit" a man muttered, Devin recognizing the voice as Marc

Three men had just finished killing a man, not turning to face Marc when he had spoken up,

"You hilled him?" He asked "I needed to talk to that guy" briefly pointing to the man they killed "about a dig site" jumping down from the side of the roof "guess I'm gonna have to talk to you instead" taking a few steps toward them

"You're too late" one of them said, wearing a gold chain around his neck "you're never gonna find Harrow"

"Really?" His eyebrows furrowing slightly

The man with the gold chain pulled out a knife, tossing it up in the air and catching it,

"Oh, wow" not really impressed

He then crouched down, dragging the tip of the knife on the floor, causing Devin's eyebrows to furrow slightly, wondering what the purpose was,

"Oh" nodding slightly "what, are we dancin'? We fightin'? What are we gonna do?"

The other two twirled knives of their own, Devin coming out from her hiding place and leaning against the side of a building, crossing her arms over her chest. The one with the large knife jumped out of the way, allowing one with longer hair to attack Marc with both of his knives, only to have the American shove him out of the way. A younger man was about to cut Marc from behind, only to have a boot kick his hand out of the way, causing him to grasp his wrist, Devin smacking him upside his head and taking his knife just ad Marc kicked the first man in the chest. The one with longer hair tried to attack again, Marc grabbing his wrists, crossing them and kicking him, shoving him back against the wall. Devin moved out of the way as the first man slashed a his knife toward her, continuing to move out of the way as he continued to try, only to be punched in the stomach.

"In your face foreigner" the younger one said, throwing a knife toward Marc

But the knife was caught, Marc then noticing that Devin was there, the woman throwing the knife back at the young one, purposely missing. Marc knocked the second man down, then attacked by the first one, who nearly had him cornered, but Marc ducked away as the knife was slashed toward him, getting out of the corner with his hands up. The man slightly jerked toward Marc, only to have him move back slightly, the action repeating again before the man swung, Marc moving out of the way. Devin smacked the younger one upside his head again, taking his other knife from his hand as he held the spot that was hit, the man with the gold chain sticking his tongue out, licking the blade of his knife, only to have Marc punch him twice, knocking him back. He continued to land punched, knocking him out completely, the man with long hair pulling him back.

He grabbed the large knife, but Marc grabbed his ankle in an attempt to stop him, only to move back away as the blade went hear him, the two of them standing, not expecting Devin to kick him in the ribs. She landed three hits, jumping up and kicking him in the face, knocking him down just as the young man tried to attack Marc, only to be hit in the nose. Marc grabbed the knife, then the hair of the man Devin knocked down, holding the blade against his neck,

"Marc" Steven said, looking at the reflection "don't do it, Marc. Stop it. Stop" fear in his voice

Devin's hand wrapped around his wrist, causing Marc's eyes to snap toward her, letting her remove the knife from his hand, speaking in the local language to them, ordering them to leave. Two of them lifted the third, carrying him away, Marc's eyes still on Devin,

"What are you doing here?" disbelief in his voice

"I'm here to help" a small smile forming on her lip "I'm like a parasite, I'm hard to get rid of"

"Don't you ever say that again!" Khonshu spoke up, sternness in his voice

"It was a joke you overgrown pigeon" looking at him "lighten up a little, yeah?"

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