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Devin walked out of her room when her phone chimed, indicating that she had a text message, picking up her phone and looking at the screen, seeing that she had one from Steven, causing her to unlock her phone, pulling up her messages,

From: Steven with a V
- Are you busy?

From: Devie
- I'm not
- What's up?

From: Steven with a V
- Come to my flat

She let out a slow breath through her lips, walking back to her room and bringing her phone with her, making sure her skirt was long enough to where no one would see the bandages around her leg. Her heels were on her feet, leaving her shoulder bag where it was and walking to her front door, unlocking and opening it, walking out and locking it once more. Devin felt her heart racing in her chest as she turned around, looking at the other door across from her, letting out another slow breath and walking toward it, pushing her glasses up and knocking on the door. Steven answered seconds later, looking as if he needs freaking out for a moment, standing off to the side, letting her enter,

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Devin questioned

"I got sacked" Steven replied

He shut the door behind her, Devin's eyes landing on a woman, who was looking at Gus's fishtank, and she could see Marc's reflection

"She shouldn't be here" Marc said as the woman lightly tapped on the glass "get her out of here, Steven. You're way out of your depth"

"I just want my life back" Steven muttered

"Yeah" the woman said, standing straight and looking at him "I'm getting that" her eyes landing on the woman next to him "who's this then?"

She looked at the woman, who looked fairly young, wearing a black crop top, cardigan and a floor length skirt, heels on her feet to give her some extra height. Her skin was slightly pale, her hair was a black and blue ombre, a silver nose piercing in her right nostril, and blue eyes that could stop anyone, even with her glasses, she was beautiful, even with the tattoos on her hands, Devin looked at the woman as well, boots, jeans, jacket that was zipped up to the top, skin that seemed to be kissed by the sun, brown eyes and brown hair in curls that just seemed to sit on top of one another.

". . I'm Devin" the ombre haired woman replied, waving slightly

"Are you his girlfriend or something?" looking at her

"Oh, no!" shaking her head slightly "I'm not . ." pointing to her herself "we're not . . I mean . . I live across the hall" pointing to the door "he told me to come here" then pointing to Steven

"I didn't want this to happen" Marc commented, closing his eyes

"Right" she replied, then looking around "uh, this is your flat, Marc?"

"Um, I'm Steven" the man replied

"Are you living here with someone else?" looking at him "with her?"

"Like I said, I live across the hall" Devin repeated

"No, this is my mum's flat" Steven added

"Okay, so you guys are talking again?" The woman questioned

". . Mm-hmm" he hummed slightly

The woman looked at the shelf of books, picking one of them up, Devin's eyebrows furrowing slightly when she saw the spine,

"The Phantom of The Opera?" confusion in her voice "since when do you read this kind of stuff?" looking at him

"Sometimes, the Angel comes much later, because the children are naughty and won't learn their lessons or practise their scales" Steven said, reciting a quote from it

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