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"The scarab pointing to Ammit's ushabti?" Layla asked, looking at Steven "what we fought side by side for?"

"No . ." Steven muttered  

"This whole one-man show is just what?" She asked "so that you can keep it for yourself?"

"No, I swear . ." He said

"Wow, after all we've been through" looking at him "I'm supposed to believe anything you say with this shoved in, what, a gym bag?" pointing to the bag

"Take it" looking at her "take it, you can have it. Take it. I don't want it. I don't want it. I swear. Have it. I am not Marc Spector. I'm Steven Grant" pointing to himself "I work in a gift shop. Well, I used to work in a gift shop. And I think I'm in real danger, and I think maybe that you might be the only other person that can help me. Please"

". . You really don't remember why we've been looking for this?" she asked, causing him to shake his head slightly "our adventures, or our life together?"

Steven didn't respond, his shoulders sagging, as if in defeat, Devin looking at Marc's reflection, seeing that he was running a hand through his hair. A knocking suddenly emitted from the door, causing their attention to turn to it,

"Steven Grant, can we have a word?" a woman asked

"See?" Steven whispered, looking at Layla "Oh, God, they've come for me"

"Why?" Layla asked

"I vandalized the toilet" honesty in his voice, the knocking continuing "yeah, just a minute!"

He looked over at Devin, pointing to his room, Layla watching him as he walked to the door,

"Steven Grant?" The woman asked

"Yeah?" He asked

"DC Fitzgerald and DC Kennedy here" she replied

"Yeah, one second" removing the chain

He opened the door, seeing to officers on the other side, showing their badges, the female giving him a smile,

"Hello, officers" Steven said

"Steven Grant?" She questioned

"I think so, yeah" nodding slightly "I mean, yep, yes. That's me, 100% Steven Grant. Sorry, I was just having a bit of a day"

"Mind if we come in, Mr. Grant?" looking at him

"Oh, um, actually, right now isn't . ." briefly glancing inside, the male officer suddenly pushing the door open

"Appreciate it" walking inside with Fitzgerald

"Anyone else here with you?" She asked

"Uh, here with me?" He asked as the door closed "no, just me and my fish" watching them "so, um . . Yeah, is this about the toilet?" as they walked around the flat "'cause it's been dealt with. Yeah. I've been sacked. And uh, yeah that's . ." Fitzgerald looking at the ankle restraint on his bed "I have a sleeping disorder" watching as she walked away from it "and, yeah, well, the museum said that they wouldn't press charges as long as, uh . . As long as I do it in installments. That, uh . . they said that I could"

"What's this?" Kennedy asked, causing Steven to look at him, seeing that he was holding a small pyramid Devin had given him

"It's a paperweight" Steven answered

"Where'd you get it?" curious

". . Paperweight shop?" shrugging slightly "I don't know, my neighbor gifted it to me"

Fitzgerald looked out the window, not seeing anyone or anything, only hearing the clamoring streets below. But around the corner from it, stood Devin and Layla, the short haired woman standing behind the one in jeans, her heels in her hands, Layla slightly moving her further back.

"You're in possession of a stolen item" Kennedy said

"Oh, yeah I . ." Steven trailed off "I don't have it" the male officer noticing the bag "I don't. No, it's not here" watching as he went through it, pulling out a passport

"Marc Spector?" he asked as he read it

"That's not mine" honesty in his voice

"Funny that" showing it to him "fella looks just like you"

"Fake passport and a thief" Fitzgerald commented "I think you best come with us, son"

Devin heard cuffs, grasping Layla's shoulder and leaning in slightly, listening to the door close, stopping her brunette when she tried to move.

"Give it a minute" she whispered "you never know if they'll go back in"

She had a point, there was always a chance they could re-enter the apartment and look for something else, so they waited. Nothing happened in the span of ten minutes, allowing them to enter the apartment through the window, Devin looking around,

". . How did you find him?" She asked, looking at Layla

"I tracked his phone" honesty in her voice

"He still has it on him" an idea popping in her mind "come on"

Devin quickly walked to the door, Layla following her with confusion on her face, her eyes widening slightly when she unlocked a door across the hall,

"You weren't kidding" she commented as the door opened

A small chuckle emitted from her, pushing some boxes out of the way with her foot,

"Excuse the mess" walking to her room "make yourself at home! Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge! There's muffins on the counter!"

Layla looked around, seeing that the layout was similar to Steven's, two shelves filled with books, violins mounted on the walls, a few cellos in their stands, all of them beautifully painted and dust free, indicating that they were well taken care of, even seeing parts of a piano. A desk had another violin, beautifully painted as well, Devin walking out with her laptop,

"The phone should still be on" she said "I can track it with the number"

She put the laptop on the counter, opening it and tapping on the keys, Layla walking over to her to see what she was doing, setting her bag on the counter as well, giving her the phone number, which allowed her to get to work. The phone was most likely still moving, but she would still be able to track it and send the information to her phone so they could follow it.

"Do you happen to have an envelope?" Layla asked "I want to send those papers in as soon as I can"

"There's one in the drawer on your left" looking at the screen

Layla pulled out the drawer in her left, seeing that it was organized with a few office supplies – pens, highlighters, envelopes and paper clips – causing her to grab one, and a pen, taking the papers from her bag and putting them inside. As Devin continued to work, Layla wrote down an address for the destination of the papers, and the return address, sealing it shut and putting it back in her bag when she was done.

"Got it" she informed "we can catch up to it"

"My ride isn't fast enough" Layla replied

"Mine is" a smirk forming on her lips

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