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Right now Im washing the dishes because the boss of ordered me while HE! and Tang went to market ' I can't believe he want to do the dishes while he go to the market with Tang without me!?'  with the thick mark on my head thinking 'even Kurai wanted me to do the work' "hmp!" a puff came out from your mask.


"Alright Y/N you do dishes while me and Tang go to the market alright " "what!? why can't MK do it!"  you complain "well MK not here today so" Tang said and sip his noodle "alright bye kiddo! and make sure you closed the shop when your done" then the two of them gone to the market leaving you jaw open under your mask "ahh ugh!" you frustrated ruffle your head "C₳L₼ ₫৹₩₦ ₥ÿ ₯€₳ʁ " the new corrupted demon said inside your head "but Kurai..." you complain then later heard a sigh from him "֏u$₸ ₯⌀ ₮₶€ ₫؋₷₶€$ ɪƒ ɣ0ú þʅəa₷ " he said in kind tone.


While Im having flashback I already done with the dishes suddenly a ding snapped out of my thought  I took my phone out and saw the message from Mei she wanted me to meet up to he sea-crate base so I reply a yes then put my phone back and went out using the back door and lock it "haah what a day" you sarcastic said.

later arrived at Sandy's boat and went to the elevator and open revealed Mei playing the video game with Sandy on the couch "hey guys you call me?" "Y/N! great timing come sit with us!" she exclaimed and I went to her Sandy scoot over so I can sit with them " thanks Sandy" "your welcome" then sit between them Mei took another controller "wanna play?" she ask I nodded 


While the three of playing the video game Mei and Sandy lose while you won "yay" you said in boredom "what!? I want a rematched" Mei complain "too bad you lost " you said in cocky then Mei pouted "anyway I need a drink you and Sandy battle each other" "fine.." Mei said then battle with Sandy.

Then Sandy started the conversation " hey I think its weird we don't spend much time in the sea-crate base, like we didn't came down here for weeks" he said reminding us "yeah, now you think about it do we even need to be down here right now" Mei stated then suddenly MK popped out of nowhere "GUYS!" MK shouted which makes you spit your water startled by his voice with your mask covered your eyes "Pigsy missing!" "psss missing? what do you mean his missing?" question Mei you walked to them fixing mask back to the place "is something wrong MK?"  "I mean he didn't open his shop this morning " then the two of them dramatic gasp which you sweat dropped at them "but he never not open the store before!" Sandy stated both hands on his head "his been pignapped" MK shouted then the three idiots panicked you sigh.

"GUYS!" you shouted which makes them stop what their doing "Pigsy and Tang went to the market when he ordered me to do the dishes" you in monotone voice "oh whew, wait he should be back by now why he taking so long " ask MK "guys come take a look at this " Mei said showing the screen "hey that Pigsy oh whew he went to go shopping" "told you" "who's filming this?" Sandy said confusingly "its Tang! oh I realized now Tang is also missing what is this?"  "I attached cameras to all of you guys while back not so creepy now is it " "still creepy Mei" you said and shivered little she pouted and MK agreed "aww she seemed nice" Sandy said 'I don't think so Sandy' you thought suspiciously to that lady "maybe their fine?" then the video showed them falling "oh no" Sandy exclaimed worriedly "I was wrong this is bad this is very very bad" Sandy panicked "scary nightmare hole what happed!?" MK said.

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