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The blast was heard in monkey king's mountain then showed both of them land on the mountain separate MK pant and wipe his sweat of then launce at his mentor who is yawning and picking his teeth "hiya!" MK tried to swing his staff at him but disappeared MK hummed confusion then look up and saw him in the sky and went straight down at him but MK manage to block it with his staff and the ground crumbled Monkey King jump causing MK stumbled a little a almost at the edge "ahh" MK balance it and tried to attack him again but Monkey King keep dodging his attack while reading his book MK keep fighting and jump backward but before he land Monkey King tail caught his feet and lift him up and throwing him to the mountain 

Back to Y/N who is reading a book peacefully waiting her friends lesson to end you sigh happily and look at the lil monkey who is sleeping beside you but interrupt by the explosion causing the monkey shriek in surprised and ran away you groan irritate closing your book and went where the explosion came from and saw MK who groan in pain then saw Monkey king landed on the ground making "better way, way better" he caught MK and put him on the ground "your totally get the hang of this, Bud" he said "aw, really" MK ask with sparkle in his eyes "I mean it does makes sense you are trained by me!" Monkey king said proudly "now we just gotta work on your focus." he finished "yeah, I am the best foc- " he sway his hair "what do you mean work on my focus? I-Im like number one focus guy " MK stated "oh.. If anyone is the number one focus guy " Monkey King push MK out of his face "its, Me" he continue pointing at himself "what!? literally your entire legacy is about" MK shout a little and searching in his book "you being impulsive and dodging responsibilities." you went beside Monkey king and nudge but turn to be a fake MK saw his mentor who is eating his chips you sweat drop at them "mmm..that's where your wrong." he said with mouth is full "that time you ate all the immortal peaches you were meant to guard." he said dumb found in his face "that was a long time ago" Monkey king said picking his chip you went beside MK you know what there taking about because a certain fan of monkey king teach you "when you kept annoying everyone in the celestial realm." you said "wha!? ahem that's a matter of opinion." he said handing you chip which you gladly take it "the time pick a fight with bud--" he got cut of by Monkey king putting chip in MK mouth 

"see that right there is the problem." MK ate the chip you checked MK if his okay "you stress too much about the negatives focus is taking in everything but horning in on only the one think that matters." MK looking at him raising an eyebrow while munching his chip Monkey king chomp his chip "right now I'm talking to while your friend listening" MK look at you and you pat his head "while also noticing the speed of the wind, the moisture in the air, these 37 emails from my lawyer, the first 18 episodes Monkey king animated series, and the resonance of my soul while I contemplate the fact that I'm a immortal being who will never able to die, And that bug over there" he finished you and MK look behind and saw a grasshopper jump away Monkey king in the middle hugging you both "but I'm paying attention to you take in everything choose what you want to do" MK struggle to get out his grasp "and do it that is focus" he finished his explanation "that sound super confusing" you facepalm at MK "MK your an idiot" but he still continue "and like your just constantly distracted" Monkey king raised his eyebrow "or maybe you just can't handle real focus" which makes MK gasp wile you snickered at him "uh... I can totally focus I focus all the time in fact the very next thing I do Is going to be the most focused thing ever!" you raise your eyebrow under your mask and look at MK's mentor "are you sure about this" you ask but he shrug his shoulder

Back at Pigsy's Noddle "hey uh.. MK" MK look at Pigsy who is leaning on the counter "you mind explaining to me why I have..Two hundred orders of noodles that haven't delivered yet?" Pigsy shouted MK chuckled nervously "I thought Mr. Tang was gonna do it." pulling Tang beside him who is eating his noodle Pigsy stomp his feet "Distraction! that's your greatest weakness, MK" Pigsy said while Tang from behind sipping his noodle with you who just arrived beside him eating dumpling watching piggy amused of course with mask up covered your eyes "you need to follow through on the task at hand" slamming his spoon on his palm "understand?" Pigsy turn to MK later pissed off when he saw MK wasn't listening "huh?" MK ask Pigsy throw his spoon at MK face "that's it, I'm done Its over pack your bags Your out of here" MK gasp "what!?" you  choke on your dumpling making cough Tang pat your back "wait what!?" MK bow on the floor "give me another chance? Please! I..I can do better!"  you walked to Pigsy "Boss! is that mean I have to go too!?" you ask Pigsy with panicked in your voice Pigsy shake his head "no you do your job well" you sigh in relief then put mask back down "unlike this guy" he said looking down at MK still on his position Pigsy hummed then his phone ring he pick it up "uh huh uh huh.. of course right away" still talking on his phone while MK cried on the floor you pat his back Pigsy grunt "Fine. One more chance! But If you slip up even a little bit Well...the delivery bot nine thousand is surprisingly affordable"  "No!" MK screamed  while his bass chuckles evilly "I'm not gonna let you down, Pigsy I'm gonna to have focus  like I never focused before" he determinedly the dash toward outside but stop when Pigsy fake coughed showing all the package MK chukled nervously and take one "he delivers noodle literally every day. how is this" he pause and groan then turn to you 

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