How You Met Spencer Boldman Imagines

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One day I was busy shopping for new clothes amd also did some grocery shopping (I love food). I was trying to reach a packet of potato chips, I couldn't reach, because it was on high shelf.

I was about to give up when someone grabbed the packet and handed it to me. I took the packet and looked up to face the person. When I looked up I saw an handsome guy.

Me: uhmmm, thanks

Spencer: your welcome

We stood threre in silence for a few seconds

Spencer: I'm Spencer

Me: I'm Tammy

Spencer: nice to meet you Tammy

Me: you too

Spencer and I started taking about the most randomest things, Spencer later asked for my number, because it was starting to get a little late.

We paid for our things and headed home. I arrived at home and I received a message from Spencer

Spencer: it was really nice to meet you today

Me: it was nice meeting you too

Spencer: so how about we go on a date tomorrow night????

Me: sure, sounds great

Spencer: great, I'll pick you up at 8

Me:ok cool

Spencer and I went on the date the following day. It was great, we both had an amazing time. It was a great night because it was the night that Spencer asked me to be his girlfriend and we also shared our first kiss

Spencer Boldman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now