How you become famous Spencer Boldman Imagines

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the next day...
Spencer's p.o.v

I woke and got ready to go on set. I made some breakfast and left Tammy a note. As soon as I arrived on set, I spotted Billy and Tyrel.

Me: hey guys

Billy and Tyrel: morning

Me: can I ask you two something

Tyrel and Billy: sure

Spencer: so last night Tammy and I went back to her place. We were bores out of our minds and we went to the movies.

Billy: what movie did you watch

Spencer: wrong turn 6

Tyrel: that movie is evil

Spencer: I know, pulled Tammy out half way through

Billy: wasn't she scared

Spencer: no, she thought it was funny. Anyway, so we watched some comedy movies and her recording of Lab Rats to get my mind off of that movie. We started watching Lab Rats and Tammy knew each episode by heart.

Billy: wow, that's impressive

Spencer: but the thing is, I heard Tammy singing once and she has an amazing voice. So I was hoping you two could help her become a singer and actor

Tyrel: we'd love to

Billy: yeah, it would be awesome to work with her.

Spencer: great, thanks guys

Billy and Tyrel: no problem

Billy: why don't you tell Tammy to come over around lunch time

Spencer: ok cool

I sent Tammy a text and told her I'll come pick her up around lunch time, she said it was ok and I continued with work.

your p.o.v

Spencer told me that I should get ready before lunch time. So I started cleaning the house and then got ready.

Around lunch Spencer came in.

Spencer: ready to go

Me: yep

Spencer's p.o.v

We went back on set. We arrived and searched for the guys. I checked in each dressing room and found them in Billy's dressing room.

Tammy: hey guys

Kelli, Tyrel and Billy: hey Tammy

Kelli: oh I gotta go, Sterling's taking me out for lunch

All of us: bye

Billy: so Tammy, we heard that you're an amazing actor and singer

Tammy: what??

Tammy looked confused so I told her everything

Me: I told Billy and Tyrel about your singing and acting and asked them to help you.

Tammy: uhmm ok then

Tyrel: great, I'm gonna go get a snack

Billy: and I'm going to the bathroom

As soon as they left, Tammy turned to me

Me: what

Tammy: you told them about my acting and singing

Me: of course I did, look who you're talking to

Tammy: hey, we're not on Lab Rats now, why did you do it

Me: ok fine, I did it because you have an amazing voice and you're really good at acting. I also didn't want you to be stuck with babysitting and tutoring

Tammy: I'm only babysitting and tutoring because I need the money for varsity

Me: how about this, you do it just once and if you don't enjoy it you can quit. Deal??

Tammy: oh fine, but I'm only doing this because of the fun

Me: yay!!!

We kissed and went out to get a snack.

Your p.o.v

Spencer and I went out and spotted Billy.

Billy: so you in for this

Me: yeah sure, when do we start

Billy: we can start tomorrow morning

Me: great

Spencer was glad that I agreed to do this. Billy and I worked on a song named magical. I was hesitant about the idea, but a lot of people liked it.

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