You two fight Spencer Boldman Imagine

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Your p.o.v
Lately Spencer has been acting a little weird lately.
Like, he never talks to me at all, the only time he talks to me is when he says thank you for the dinner.

I didn't want to confront him, because I'm not one of those people. I just decided to keep my distance.

Spencer's p.o.v
Lately Tammy has been keeping her distance. I don't know why she would do that, but all I know is, I'm gonna confront her.

I came home from work and saw Tammy laying on the couch watching cartoons. I sat next to her,but she didn't move a muscle. I switched off the TV

Tammy: hey, I was watching that!!!
Me: we need to talk
Tammy: about what
Me: why are you ignoring me

Tammy: me?? ignoring you??? uhmm Spencer you're the one ignoring me!!! for this while month you didn't talk to me!!! like, what's up with that

Me: I'm just going through a rough time right now

Tammy: I'm your girlfriend!!! you're supposed to come to me when you're feeling like that, if you don't want to talk about it then fine, but you don't have to ignore me

She was right. I should've talked to her. The truth is last week I came back from London, because I did a promotion there, and now I have to go to Australia for another

your p.o.v
Spencer stood in silence for a while, so I broke it.

Me: so are you gonna tell me what's on your mind

Spencer: the truth is, I have to go to Australia to do a promtion in a week's time

Me: but you just came back last week

Spencer: I know, I was shocked too

We stood in silence again. I realised that I shouldn't get upset with Spencer I mean yeah, he just got back and now he has to leave again but that's work. I do the same thing so who am I to judge

Me: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped down your throat like that.

Spencer: you had every right to, babe

Me: no I didn't, I mean I should understand, because I do the same thing

Spencer: it's ok babe, trust me, I'd probably do the same thing

We hugged each other amd apologised. Spencer looked down at me and kissed me.

Spemcer: I love you, and don't you forget that
Me: I love you too babe

We wemt upstairs amd cuddled up to each other while watching cartoons. We feel asleep in each other's arms

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