He wants you to meet the cast of Lab Rats Spencer Boldman Imagines

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Spencer and I have been dating for two minths now. Everything was going great.

One day, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and saw Spencer. He came in and gave me a hug.

Me: hey

Spencer: hey

Me: not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here, we didn't make any plans...or did we

Spencer: oh no we didn't make any plans, but
Spencer stopped talking

Me: but what

Spencer: I want you to meet the cast of Lab Rats

Me: really

Spencer: yeah

Me: awesome, I can't wait to meet them

Spencer: I thought you were going to freak out and be nervous

Me: are you kidding, I've been waiting for this moment since I was 15 years old

Spencer: ok let us go then

We went off and I saw Billy and Tyrel standing outside, talking and laughing.

Billy: hey Spencer

Spencer: hey

Tyrel: who is this

Me: I'm..

Spencer: this is my girlfriend Tammy

Billy: oh right, it's nice to finally meet you Tammy, Spencer has talked a lot about you

Spencer started blushing

Tyrel: yes, and I'm Tyrel and this is

Me: you don't have to introduce yoursleves, I watch Lab Rats a lot

Billy: cool, so who's your favourite character

Me: I can't decide, I think all of you guys are funny

Tyrel: what's your favourite episode

Me: all of them but if I had to choose I'd pick season 2 episode 17

Billy: cool

Billy and Tyrel were talking about how Spencer kept talking about me and all the funny things they do on set

Kelli then arrived

Kelli: hey guys, who is this

Tyrel: this is Tammy, you know the girl Spencer keeps talking about

Kelli: oh right, I've heard a lot about you, let us go, I'm tired of being the only girl around here

Me: sure

Kelli and I went off and she took me to her dressing room.

Kelli: so Tammy, Spencer told me that you're a massive Lab Rats fan

Me: oh yeah, I am.

Kelli: so what's like dating Spencer

Me: it's great, he's a really funny guy

Spencer Boldman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now