He asks you to move in Spencer Boldman Imagines

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Spencer's p.o.v

Ever since Tammy released her first album, we didn't get to spend as much time as we used to.
I was thinking about moving in, so that we could spend more tine with each other. I know it was kind of a big step in the relationship, but we have been dating for almost seven months now and I think that it could work.

Your p.o.v

Ever since I released my first album, I couldn't spend as much time with Spencer anymore. I felt bad about it. It was kind of sad, but we worked it out. I was sitting around in my apartment listening to some music when I received a text from Spencer.

text conversation

Spencer: hey babe

Me: hey

Spencer: how about you sleep over

Me: sure sounds fun

Spencer: awesome, I'll be there in a few

I started packing my things to sleep over at Spencer's.

Spencer's p.o.v

I texted Tammy asking if she wanted to sleep over and thankfully she agreed. Now would be a perfect time to ask her.

I went off to Tammy's house to pick her up.

Me: hey babe

Tammy: hey babe

Me: ready to go

Tammy: yeah

We drove back to my place. I was so excited that Tammy was here, I hugged and kissed her so many times.

Me: listen we need to talk

Tammy: talk about what

Me: about us

Tammy: what about us

Me: we haven't spend as much time together lately and I was thinking that you should move in with me

Tammy: are sure about this

Me: I know it's kind of a big step in the relationship, but it's the only way we can spend more time together

Tammy: yeah I'll move in

Me: you will

Tammy: sure, it's way better than us visiting each other everyday

Me: great

I was so excited that Tammy agreed to move in with me that I jumped on her making her fall to the ground and kissing her all over her face

Me: this is so awesome

Tammy: I know right, but babe get off me you're really hurtinf me now

Me: oh right sorry about that babe

The next day we went to go pick up the rest of Tammy's things, and we lived happily together.

Spencer Boldman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now