The Past

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I look back on the past and wonder what I did wrong.

I'm desperate for answers.

So I ask the sky,

What did I do to deserve such a punishment,

Who was I so unkind to, to now be the holder of such pain.



I'm now screaming at the top of my lungs, but my words only fall on deaf ears.

The remarks just fall right back into my hands.

The sun seems to glare down at me with a fire that nothing can match.

It seems like the sun is angry at me too.

Tears are now streaming down my face as I beg for forgiveness.

I'm begging on my knees for some form of kindness from this intolerant world.

But as before, my begging falls to no one,

My words only collect dust in the air.

At that moment I know I am alone.

It is at that moment I realized, that no one wants a broken toy. 

Open Wounds On The Heart- a book of poems.Where stories live. Discover now