A day out, but with them?.. |Chapter 3

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Finally, it was Saturday. Except, I must hang out with the music club. The tears from yesterday soaked my bed but it dried by now. Great. I picked up my outfit from yesterday, it was a cutesy jumper my mum sowed for me. It had some dragons from a video game I adored and just some extra video game characters I liked as well. My mum's gifted at this sort of stuff. She's a clothing designer.

I put on my clothes and then texted Jake

Jakey Boy

Drew: Hey, Jake what time should I come to the theme park?

Jakey Boy: Come over at 12, or a bit later if you want.

Drew: Ok, and the club's coming right...

Jakey Boy: Yea! And, Daisy, the club invited her as well

Drew: Kay. See ya there

Jeez, it still kind of sits in my mind that they're coming. Oh well, maybe me and Jake could hang out a bit if they go on other rides.

I put on my air pods; I need music as an output for my feelings at least. The thing is with music, it just soothes your mind from all its worries. Like the fact, that I've fallen in love with my best friend who is probably in love with multiple girls, or how much I HATE the fucking club he performs with or whatever. Also, how my dad never ever cared about me. Yeah, I have daddy issues so what. It's not like I'll ever need him, I'll surprise him by becoming even more successful than him. I don't need my arrogant grim dad around no more. One day they'll all be laughing at you since your own son's outwitted you. You always told me, "Drew you must become your own leader. Don't sit within the crowd reach out of it. You don't need people like Jake who have the wackiest ideas in your life. Reach higher like your daddy, Drew. Make me PROUD."

Yes, Daddy... I'll make you real proud. So proud that you'll be stunned. Jaw dropping. Incredible. I want people to know how great I am, not just for your own benefit knowing it's your son. For others too, you selfish asshole. I tried to let the music subside all my issues, but now it's made me feel all weird about them. I turned off the music to look at the time. 11am. Oh yeah, I should probably get breakfast.

I ran downstairs hastily, to see my sister in the dining room.

"Drewy, why is mommy so mad at daddy?" My sister asked miserably, she had tears in her vivid brown eyes.

"Mommy and daddy... are just fighting over adult stuff. You see adult fights sometimes, but eventually, they know it's pathetic. Then they kiss and they're in love again! Don't worry. "I gave her a kiss on the forehead. Her eyes sparkled,

"That's good Drewy!" She smiled at me

"Mommy and daddy are in love; they just need time."

My sister nodded her head in agreement. I don't want her to get in involved in all their conflict. She's only four. I grabbed a box of cereal and then poured the cereal into my bowl. Then, I emptied the milk out. I ate it while looking at my sister, worried about her since it's not like her to know about my mom and dad fighting. The clocked ticked minute by minute, eventually it was going to be 12AM and I needed a ride. Meh, I'll just get an uber.

Tapping my fingers on the screen frustratedly, I got an uber ride for 12AM sharp. It's half past, so no need to worry Drew. Suddenly, when I was about to get off my phone. A notification appeared, Jake added me to a fucking group chat with those losers. The Music Club.
Lots of other notifications followed on after that.

Milly -"Drew..? Seriously Jake."

Sean –"Let's give him a chance guys!"

Hailey –"I agree with Sean, we need to learn to respect Jake's friends"

Jake –" Thanks guys, Drew isn't really that bad! He just has his rough days.."

I frowned, they act as they know me so well. Especially you Milly, your bright red hair and mischievous face. Always getting in to fights with my own girlfriend. You've got some serious anger issues, so you better hush your own mouth. Sooner or later, it became 12AM. I strolled to my UBER outside.

"Drew? Right." The man murmured to me.

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