What's the meaning of this Jake? Chapter 4

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I strolled up to the entrance of the school, today was a cloudy showery day. Jake waved to me,

"Hey, Drew! We better get inside before we get soaked!" He cried to me

He grabbed my hand firmly and ran with me inside, it was like we were a couple. My cheeks went flushed, and a smile appeared on my face. The doors opened as Jake shoved them open for us.

"Phew... your hair's a bit wet Drew." He ruffled my magenta-coloured hair, gazing into my eyes.

It felt like we were about to kiss until Henry and Liam arrived out of nowhere. Henry and Liam raised their eyebrows up and down at us.

"Did we interrupt something? Were oh sorry love birds" Henry said while smirking at us

"No! Jeez... you guys always assume!" Jake barked at them

"Right, then well I'm assuming you have to practice at the music club, Jake?" Henry asked

"Yep, got to go going!" Jake waved at us while he walked away.

"Erm... I've got to go toilet guys!" I excused myself

Really, I didn't need to go toilet I was just using an excuse to go and see what Jake really does at the music club. Maybe he's flirting with Hailey, all the time. Bets on that. It would upset me to see that...

Jake turned to the right for the Music Club, I peeked through the semi-opened door to see Hailey. Her eyes bloomed when she saw Jake.

"Hey, Hailey!" Jake exclaimed

"Hey, Jake... so have you updated that section of the lyrics?" Hailey asked interested

"Mhm, you can read it if you want," Jake replied

Hailey then stared at the page; her black eyes torn on it.

"It's good Jake! The others... might be a bit late today. Something happened" Hailey mumbled

"Oh it's fine, so what should we do?" Jake wondered

Ugh, it's so obvious that they like each other. I could've prevented this ages ago. Hailey's just not even a good match to Jake. What's so appealing about her? I get Daisy, she's pretty, smart, well opinionated and even a student council president! But this girl... what is so enticing about her?

"I think we should do this..." Hailey sputtered out, she started leaning towards Jake which leaded to a kiss.

WHAT THE FUCK. Jake kissed her back voluntarily. My eyes started to swell up, I should've never come here to see this shit. Tears began to pour out my eyes, my vision becoming blurry by the second. They were kissing for so long; I couldn't take this any longer. The door made a loud noise as I accidentally creaked it open. Following my instinct, I ran as fast as I could to the toilets. Just to hear Jake's voice,

"Is that you Drew?!"

I could hear Jake's hurried footsteps pacing behind me. He could never know I like him, plus why is he running behind me?! How could he even know it's me? It could've been Daisy, Sean, Zander, Henry, Liam or anyone else. Unless he knows I like him...

Hailey also followed behind as well, since I could hear someone else running after me. They cornered me.

"Drew! I'm so sorry... I don't even like Jake, I don't know what possessed me it's just..." Hailey yelled out miserably

"I like Daisy ok, don't tell her it's just I've been having this voice in my mind, which tells me I need to like boys."

"Jake was never of interest to me, it's just if we got together... I could ignore these feelings."

"Please forgive me!"

It made sort of sense now. Hailey likes Daisy though?! Could've never seen that coming, but I admit they would be a cute couple.

"Hailey... It's fine I don't know what also influenced me to cry." I muffled out

Jake hugged me, even tighter than last time. My head rested in his arms, but I knew this was only platonic. It was all I needed for now though.

"And... Hailey, you should really confess your feelings to Daisy. I'm sure you would give you a chance." I mumbled

"Thanks for your advice, Drew, but really, I need to get closer to Daisy. We have talked a bit, however, I need to know her better" Hailey responded, stroking her head
"Please, don't tell her about this... it would be well embarrassing" Hailey's cheeks went bright pink.

Knowing this, me and Jake could have a chance. Because Hailey and Daisy are out of the picture. Unless Daisy rejects her but doubting how much they talk now I'm sure she'll say yes.

I chuckled at Jake and Hailey, what a misunderstanding. We all began to snicker at this.

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