A New Level of Hell

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An awkward, short, fat man stood in front of me. He was holding a hat one hand, and a badge in the other. I looked onto the street behind him and noticed his car, red and blue flashing lights on top.

"Uh, good evening."

I frowned. It was never a good evening when the police showed up at your house.

"Er, um," the man took a deep breath, "I'm Carl Livingston, head of the police department here in Powell."

I nodded.

He took another deep breath.

"Your parents... Got in a terrible car crash. Uh, they're in the hospital."

A million thoughts ran through my mind.

"I'm sorry, sir. You've, uh, you've got the wrong house." I began to shut the door but he stopped it.

"Jessica, I'm sorry."

My eyes filled up with tears.

"No. It's... It's not them. They.. They said they would be home by ten and I know they, I just know they..." My voice faded out as I realized what was happening.

"Jessica, I'm here to help. Go get your sister and I'll take you to your parents."

Silence filled the car as we drove. I stared out the window, unaware of whatever was happening around me. I watched the city lights fly by. Gabby squeezed my hand as a tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. I had to be strong. I had to be strong for both of us.

No one spoke as we walked up to the hospital doors. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of Gabby's shuffling feet. She tugged on my shirt.

"Jess, Jess I'm tired." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's okay." I said as I picked her up and carried her into the building. We slowly made our way to the ICU, and into my parents room. If you wouldn't have known any better, you would've thought they weren't human, with all the wires running in and out of them, all the machines monitoring their every breath. I set Gabby down. She ran out of the room. I would've done the same, but I was paralyzed with fear.

"Oh my God." I whispered.

I covered my face with my hands and slowly sat down in a chair next to my mothers bed. "Oh my God." I said once again. I began to cry.

"Mom, dad, I'm here. I'm here and I'm waiting for you to wake up." I was waiting for the camera crew to come out. Waiting for my parents to spring up and say "Gotcha!". Of course that'd be a terrible prank, but I still wished it were one.

I fell asleep in the room, with my face buried in my hands, the very picture of misery.

Suddenly, I awoke. The machines around me were beeping. My mother had flatlined. Doctors with gloves and masks were rushing in.

"Miss, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave the room." One said to me.

"No. I'm, I'm not leaving. They're my parents."

"I understand but-"

I became hysterical. "No! You don't understand. If my parents are gone what am I supposed to do? I have no one! Where's my little sister supposed to go?" By now Mr. Livingston was pulling me up out of the chair, dragging me out of the room. My dad flatlined at that very second. My eyes grew wide and I began bawling. I fought, but Mr. Livingston soon got me out of the room and into the hall. It took him a while to gain control of me, but when he brought my sister to me, I had to get it together. To prove that I could be strong. To prove that everything was going to be okay.

"Hey, hun." I said as she sat down on my lap. She took a sip from her juice box.

"Are mommy and daddy okay?"

"I don't know sweety... But I'm sure they'll be fine." Mr. Livingston brought a cot out and placed it on the floor.

"Gab, why don't you go lie down?"

She got up, layed down, and was asleep within seconds. I quietly began to weep. A pair of feet appeared when I opened my eyes. I looked up.

"Aunt Tara?" My aunt was standing looking down at me. It was obvious that she had been crying.

"Hey, Jessica. I'm here to take care of Gabby. I'm here." She sat down next to me. "Go ahead and go to sleep." Gladly, I rested my head against the wall, waiting to wake up from this nightmare.

When I woke up, I was immediately ushered to my Aunts car where she and Gabby were waiting.

"But I haven't eaten breakfast or-"

"Don't worry about it." Said my aunt. No one explained to me what was going on. My parents were dead. I might as well have been dead, too. It would've been better that way, at least for me.

We pulled up to a lawyers office. We walked in, sat down, and the lawyer began discussing with us where Gabby and I would go.

"Now your aunt is willing to take Gabby in an-"

"Wait what about me?" I sat up in my chair.

"Well, Jessica-" the stingy man was cut off by my aunt.

"Jessica, sweety, I have two daughters of my own. I can raise three girls on my income."

"But where will I go?"

"We'll you'll be 18 next month so... I figure you can live on your own."

On my own? My parents just left me, without saying goodbye, and now my own family didnt want anything to do with me.

"You're the only family I have left. I don't have anywh-"

"Actually, I'm not your family. Not by blood, that is." She said mater-of-factly.

"Excuse me?"

"Honey... You were adopted. I would've hoped that my sister would've told you by now."

The lawyer pulled out my adoption certificates.

"What but... I..."

I left the room. How is this possible? I'm not adopted... I... This isn't right. I can't... I can't be adopted.

I was overcome with a new sense of curiousity. Who were my birth parents? Why couldn't they keep me? Did I have siblings? What did they look like? Where were they from?

I walked back into the room.

"Are you okay?" Aunt Tara asked.

"No." I sighed. I couldn't cry any more. There were no tears left. No emotions left. I wasn't completely emotionless, but I was close to it.

They began discussing what was to happen. In a month, Gabby would move in with our, no her, aunt. I would have to find my own place...

When I finally layed down that night, my face stained with mascara, the only thought running through my mind was 'Why me?'

Because of all people, I shouldn't be dropped to a deeper, lower level of hell.


Lots of drama oops. It gets better. Liam will come into play soon.

If you like the story, please vote or comment or just say something because idk if you like it and I'm sorry if its terrible but I just don't know what to do so give me some feedback, okay?

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