Intro and Outro #2

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*Hey, guys. Since I'm starting the next arc of Goku and the Olympians, I figured I'd write up a new batch of outros for fun. The first one is taken from one of my favorite anime series, Outlaw Star. I thought the English translation of its lyrics fit fairly well with Artemis' character, especially since she's the focus at this point of the story. Hope you like what I describe for each lyric.

Outro #2

"Tsuki no Ie (House of the Moon)"

Composed by: Akino Arai

Performed by: Akino Arai

Japanese Lyrics by: Akino Arai

Series of origin: Outlaw Star

[0:00-0:23 seconds]

The full moon shines up in the sky. Covered by clouds, it becomes more visible as they gradually move away. It glows a translucent, ethereal white that shines down on a single hillside that is covered in snow.
Sora   tooi sora
Translation: Sky, far away sky

Artemis stands on the top of this hill, staring up at the sky with a stern expression on her face.

tsubuyaita   koe
Translation: A murmured voice

Thinking she hears something; Artemis spins her body around. The cold wind blows across her hair and face.

anata no yume wa ima
Translation: Your dream

A vision of Goku appears, smiling at her. However, his form dissolves after a few seconds. She lightly grins before looking up at the sky once again.

hoshi no sharin wo mawasu
Translation: now turns the wheel of the stars

Various stars begin to shine brilliantly as the sky spins around and shifts to a new location.

Watashi itsumo   doko ni mo inai
Translation: I felt like

Artemis runs and shoots her arrows at an unseen opponent.

sou kanjite'ta
Translation: I would never be anywhere,

She speedily navigates through various trees. Then, all of a sudden, she stops to see Goku standing before her on the opposite side of the forest.

sono hitomi   shiru made wa
Translation: until I felt your eyes on me.

Artemis' golden eyes meet with Goku's black ones. As they continue standing there, the full moon shifts into frame once again.

Mune no katasumi
kaketa tsuki ga   hitotsu aru dake

Translation: There is but one eclipsed moon

in the corner of my heart...

A badly wounded Artemis is surrounded by a group of monsters. Frowning, she shakily holds a hand over her heart.

demo donna ni hosoi michi mo
Translation: may it shine enough

She determinedly opens her eyes, creating a yellow flash of light that travels all the way to where Goku is.

terasu you ni   hikaru
Translation: to light up whatever narrow path you take.

Goku stands before a fork in the road. Seeing the light projected by Artemis, he sports a determined fighting stance alongside Percy, Annabeth, Zoe Nightshade, Thalia, and Bianca di Angelo.

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