❧ chapter iii: tacenda

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TACENDA - noun, things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over silence.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Eyes fluttering open, Y/n stretched her arms above her head and let out a soft yawn. The sun's rays peeked through her bedroom curtains, warming her delicate skin. Her bed sheets caressed her gently, comforting her body in a way no person could. She let out a soft groan as she sunk into her pillow, wanting to get a little bit more shut eye before she had to inevitably wake up.

It must have only been a few minutes until the girl heard a loud knocking on the door.

"Come in," she said, groggily getting out of her bed and standing up. The door creaked open, and a maid walked in.

"Your royal highness?" She started slowly, "His majesty has requested your presence."

Slowly nodding, Y/n plastered on a fake smile. She knew his would happen soon, she simply didn't predict how soon it would be.

"Thank you, you are free to leave," she dismissed. The maid curtly nodded and bowed, before gracefully turning on her heel and leaving the room.

Y/n's smile soon fell. The girl let out a sigh as she placed her head in her hands, muttering a few curses before quickly gathering herself.

She then placed a smile on her face again as if it were a mask, trying to cheer herself up despite the circumstances. At times like these, she truly wished that she had a mask like Dream's. It perfectly hid his emotions, presenting only a smile.

The girl walked into her closet and picked out a long, elegant dress, painted with colors of white and light pink. She then grabbed a corset and placed the both on her bed.

She placed both of them on, surprisingly being able to lace up her own corset.

Once she had fit on everything to her liking, the female rushed out of her chambers. She
was well aware that time was fleeting. Her father was an impatient man, and would most certainly not tolerate any seconds wasted.

Walking quickly through the halls, the girl halted at a large spruce door. She pushed it open, and was met with a large mahogany room, with ceilings that stretched high above her head. She knew this room, she'd been in here often. The throne room.

"Y/n," a deep, booming voice rang through the room. The girl's eyes darted to her father, and then to the man beside him. Her lips pursed into a straight line.

"Hello," She greeted.

"Please, join us," her father beckoned. Y/n said nothing, just nodded, as she walked over to the pair. Her father smiled as he placed a firm hand on the shoulder of the boy beside him.

"This is Eret," he introduced. Y/n's eyes floated over to him.

Eret had brown fluffy hair, though not as long or messy as Wilbur's. It was neat and clean, indicating that he must be much more organized that him. (Though it wasn't hard to be more organized, the man was scatterbrained.)

Eret wore dark shades that covered his eyes. They were like obsidian. The girl could not see his eyes, as they were much too dark. This intrigued Y/n. She remembered what he mother would always tell her. "Eyes are the window to the soul," she would say. Y/n wondered if  this boy had a soul.

Y/n nodded at the boy, extending her arm. "It is a pleasure to meet you," is all she said.

Eret smiled as he gently held her hand in his and brushed his lips over her knuckles.
Y/n could have sworn that she'd seen white irises beneath those dark shades. No color, just emptiness. Blank. She did not trust this boy, not one bit.

"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine."

The girl's expression did not waver. Her cheeks did not redden, and she would not fumble with her next words.

"Eret here is a prince from a neighbouring kingdom. It's quite... small, though their palace is quite nice," your father explained.

The girl wanted to chuckle at his bluntness, but she did not. She simply nodded in acknowledgment. This was not a time to mention it, nor was any other time.

A silence settled. Y/n did not dare break it. She'd wait for Eret or her father to do that. The female simply stared at the ground.

"Well, Y/n," The girl's focused returned onto her father. "How about you show Eret your bedroom?"

Y/n's expression wavered.

"I'm sure he'd much prefer to see the garden? There is a much nicer view outside than in my chambers," she offered. Her father seemed to sigh internally, before slowly nodding.

"Yes, I suppose that's alright," he spoke.

Y/n nodded and lead Eret out into the garden. She knew her father would scold her later. He despised having his authority challenged, even if it was over matters as simple as that.

The female was quiet as Eret walked beside her, their footsteps coming into sink.

"So, Y/n, was it?" The girl stared up at Eret.

The girl took her time to respond.

"Yes," she replied.

"Do you spend very much time in the garden?" Eret questioned.

Once again, she waiting a couple of moments before answering.

Y/n shrugged, "On occasion."

"And you play piano, yes?"

Eret and her father must have certainly talked about her.


Once the two had reached the garden, Y/n took a moment to appreciate the lush greenery. The flowers were organized beautifully, creating a sense of harmony.

"I can see why you must like it here," Eret muttered, a grin on his face. The girl did not reply. She simply admired the verdant land.

Eret's eyes twinkled with something dangerous. Y/n did not see it, but she could feel it. A shiver ran up her spine.

"You know, I don't like it when people ignore me." The girl gulped.

"Yes, I'm sorry," she muttered. She wished she would say more, but she could not. Though, Y/n learned something valuable in that simple sentence. This boy was nothing like Wilbur. He was impatient and commanding, like her father.

And, abruptly, this was now the last place
Y/n wanted to be.

Freckled boy with messy brown hair, do you miss me as often as I miss you?

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

➳ 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚, wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now