❧ chapter xi: athazagoraphobia

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ATHAZAGORAPHOBIA - noun, the fear of forgetting someone or something.

ATHAZAGORAPHOBIA - noun, the fear of forgetting someone or something

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

As Y/n's eyes fluttered open, she was met with unfamiliar walls surrounding her. Her heartbeat quickly sped up as her eyes darted all across the room, her hands heaving herself up into a sitting position on the bed she must have been sleeping in.

The girl winced as her head started pounding, the throbbing pain worrying her further. She must have been hungover. She didn't remember having that much to drink last night. In fact, she didn't remember much of anything in the past night at all.

The girl's panic festered as she promptly hopped off the bed she was on, her loud footsteps following one another in a rushed manner as she searched around the room in hopes of finding a door. Once her eyes had locked on one, she quickly walked towards it, though instead of opening the door like she had originally intended, it opened itself.

Or at least, she thought it did. Entering the room stood Wilbur, a meek smile gracing his lips as he did.

Y/n's confusion only grew as she stared at the boy before her, her brows lacing together and her eyes narrowing.

"I didn't mean to intrude, I just brought some water. I suspected you had a lot to drink," The male explained, handing the girl the glass. She nodded in appreciation as she took a small sip from it.

"Um, thank you," Y/n shyly avoided eye contact, awkwardly staring at the floor as she took several sips of the drink in her hand. It wasn't every day that the female found herself in a new place that she doesn't remembering going to and seeing Wilbur there.

"Once you're ready, you can meet me outside. I'll be within eyeshot doing some training. We can talk about sizes and materials for the uniforms," Wilbur spoke slowly. Y/n's brows furrowed and her eyes grew distant as she tried to rack her brain for any info that might give her some context as to what Wilbur was saying.

Uniforms? What could they have spoken about that included the word uniforms before?

Wilbur let out a quiet snicker as he stared at the girl/s expression. "Y/n?" He asked, snapping the female out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just..." The girl trailed off.

"You don't remember, do you?"


"Last night, you don't remember what happened, do you?"

It was like he could read her mind.

"I suppose I don't."

Wilbur breathed a deep chuckle, taking a hand and running it through his brown locks.

"Do you remember anything?" he asked.

"Well, I..." Y/n paused for a moment, searching for any info she remembered.

"I was at Dream's coronation," she said finally.


"And you came to talk to me. You left pretty quickly."

"Do you remember anything I said?"


"Anything else?"

"I remember that I went to the library... and bumped into something."

"That thing would be me."

Y/n blushed furiously, "Oh."

"So, that's it?"


Wilbur let out a light chuckle. "Well, then. I have a lot to fill you in on."

Wilbur offered as little details as possible as he explained the events of the past night. He brushed over several parts and simply tried to describe what it was Y/n chose to do and what he had said to convince her.

"And you agreed to sew together some uniforms if we got the right materials, but if you no longer want to, it's fine."

"I'll do it."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Wilbur, I'm sure. I enjoy sewing, anyway."


The two of them smiled fondly at one another.

"And you're sure you're fine with being... here? I don't want you to think I was trying to take advantage of you last night."

"Wilbur, I'm fine."

"So I'll see you in a little bit?"

"Yes, now go do what you needed to do."

Wilbur swiftly turned around and left, leaving only the girl before him in solitude.

"Gods, what have I gotten myself into?" Y/n mumbled, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn.

"Why did it have to be Wilbur?!" She ranted, "If it was anyone- really, if it was anyone else I could have just said 'no thank you, I'm not very good at fighting or anything like that', but I just have to be in love with him and have to do everything in my power to join him!"

The girl found the situation humorous, really. The one person who she would never say no to finally did something that she would have otherwise truly said no to. It wasn't like it was against her own will, either- she still wanted to do it in a way, but she was still conflicted with herself and her emotions.

"Thank you, gods! I'm really grateful for that!" The girl spat sarcastically. A tantalizing silence followed, and Y/n let out a quiet grumble as she took a deep breath before walking out the room she slept in, having no true idea of what she'd gotten herself into. 

I am unsure of many things, but one thing I am sure of is that I'm absolutely and utterly smitten with you. 

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

AUTHOR- 『Look I said it would take a while. It's not much but take it.』
        ► siren, ♛

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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