Chapter 3

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          Khun breathed out a deep sigh. He wasn't particularly looking forward to arguing with Karaka and Hwaryun again about what to do next. The brief conversation they had before Elaine woke up had already left Khun feeling frustrated. Taking a quick break to drop a literal bombshell on Elaine was a good breath of fresh air, but now that everybody thought it best to let Elaine process everything alone, Khun was bracing himself for the tiring conversation ahead. At least Bam's here this time. Whatever we end up deciding to do next will definitely be centered around him, so he should be here to give his say. Anyways, even if I don't end up agreeing with how we move forward, I'd follow Bam wherever he goes. Still, it'd be nice if things went my way.

---------- Couple Minutes Before Elaine Waking up ---------

          Khun was in a pretty good mood. To be honest, Khun hadn't thought much about what to do next after the battle. Mostly, he was just glad that everybody made it out of the battle unscathed. Alright, not everybody and definitely not unscathed, but everybody on Khun's team is still alive and everything, so Khun saw this as a total win. His chipper mood crumbled away, however, when he saw Karaka round the corner and start walking towards him. Karaka still held his pretentious composition that Khun despised, as if his slayer status put him above everybody else. Khun had noticed, however, that since the battle at The Nest, Karaka has been more agreeable than usual, and overall, a lot more bearable. Maybe it was because his master had been freed. Or perhaps it's because he realized he isn't a god. When Karaka got caught by Traumerei's attack, his left arm had been severed, armor and all. Karaka's didn't seem to care in the moment, but was thoroughly surprised when it didn't regenerate at the end of the battle. Instead, his armor adapted to cap off the stump that remained. Oddly enough, rumor has it that Karaka had searched through the rubble for his lost arm and kept it in his room, which Khun found to be entirely creepy.

          Khun could see the empty sleeve flap about as Karaka walked towards him. As Karaka closed to within an arm's length, the slayer asked, "Boy, you are Viole's tactician, are you not? When do you and Viole plan to head after he's done with his business here?"

          "Why does it matter to you," Khun said.

          "Isn't it obvious? We've struck the first blow in the war. Against one of the Ten Great Families no less. I may not like it but we need to stay together and strike as one if we want to win battles as we did here." Karaka said.

          "This is FUG's war. Now that we retrieved Bam's master, we don't have any reason to work with FUG. Why would we get involved in your fights, when we could just climb the tower as we have been before all of this nonsense." Khun retorted.

          "You think that you can just abandon us in this war?" Karaka snarled. "Viole started this war! Whether or not FUG wanted this war, the moment a Slayer Candidate attacked the stronghold of a Great Family was the moment that FUG was dragged into the conflict. This is OUR war now!"

          Hwaryun, being the nosy red witch she is, decided this was the perfect moment to announce her presence. "If you're talking about where to take my god, I believe I should have a say. After all, I am his guide."

          "Hwaryun, you sneaky little witch. So you've been eavesdropping?" Khun remarked. "So, what do you think? As Bam's guide, his safety is your only priority right? Then wouldn't it be logical for him to leave FUG and escape the war?"

          Hwaryun shrugged, "Well, it seems trouble follows Viole wherever he goes. I can't see specifically what dangers will await him. Actually more specifically, I can see a number of dangers he might face, depending on the path he takes. And even then, the paths ahead of him often twist into paths I didn't expect, branching off into completely new paths or even merging with old ones."

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