Aight Yall, It's Been a Minute

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Soooo, I know its been a minute...or more like 15 months lmao. I'll be honest, I got caught up in my classwork for uni and amid that chaos, I ALMOST forgot about this. Sorry bout that. But I recently started up a new position at a company, which gives me a little bit more time, so hopefully we are back!

Alright, so a couple of notes:

1) I started this fanfic when the nest was still ongoing. Since the webtoon has moved past that, obviously my story is not canon, and it was never supposed to be. All the characters and how they act, I tried to keep as similar as I could, but I wanted to take the story in a different direction, exploring the path of a slayer in FUG. I'm sure yall know this but I wanted to reiterate it.

2) I'll be real with yall, I didn't just stop updating because of school work, I was also kinda unhappy about my writing quality overall. I'm a mechanical engineer, after all, the fuck do we know about storytelling lol. It was kinda frustrating cuz I have all these thoughts and headcannons that feel so epic in my mind but it always feels awkward on paper. But man, at this point, who gives a fuck. I NEED to put them on paper, for myself more than anyone. And if a couple of people enjoy it along the way, I would be content. So I'm gonna try my hardest to commit to this. Maybe starting slow, like a chapter every month, or every 2 weeks, we'll see how long this first chapter back takes. But I need to take this first step back now or else I know I never will so here it goes.

3) Shoutout to everybody who commented, it really was the only reason I ever came back to this. I feel like I would be doing a disservice to the people who read 5 chapters only to never see any continuation at all lol. Special shoutouts to CVHr1s for your comments, man did it feel good to see someone enjoy my mediocre story lmao. 

With that, we're officially back! I'll take some time to familiarize myself with my own story and get started right away! And as always, feel free to lay it on me in the comments, I really do appreciate all the reactions and feedback.

Yours Truely, Bruvman

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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